Dont go chasing water falls

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I made up with Michael. It took a while to make up but we did it. Today he told me we'd go to the beach together.

I didn't know whether it would be just us but I assumed so. It'd be nice to be just us for once. I'd get to know some stuff.


"Ari? We're leaving in 10." Michael yelled.

I grabbed my bag and my sunglasses as I ran down the stairs. I reached the bottom and saw Michael on the phone whispering.

I moved closer and stood quietly by the door trying to listen.

"Yes, I'll tell her. Yeah see you later."

He hung up and then slammed his hand down on the side. I moved back and thought about things. Was it dad?

"Alright, how long have you been there?"

I screamed and fell over shocked to see Michael standing above me. He laughed and helped me up.

"Uh, you idiot Mike." I muttered standing up as Michael picked up my bag.

"Sorry." He laughed.

"Let's go." I stormed out.


We were in the car and I was jamming out to my playlist as I danced in my seat.

Michael's phone began ringing and I went to grab it.

"No!" Michael grabbed his phone swerving the car making me scream.

I looked at him wide eyed as he threw his phone in the back seat. He breathed out deeply and clenched his jaw.

"What the hell! Why would you risk our lives over a phone call!?"

"It's my phone." He mumbled.

I just shook my head and looked out the window blocking out his singing and humming.

I was laying on my beach towel getting a tan when I heard Michael talking to someone. I sat up and looked at him. He was taking to a girl.

"Mike?" I asked him.

"Oh Ari, your awake." He blushed.

I looked up and took in the girls appearance. It was a new girl. She had black hair, slim model type figure and blue eyes.

"This is Gina. My girlfriend."

I looked at her again and smiled. But there was something about her I didn't like.

"Do I know you?" I asked thinking hard.

"No, no. I don't think so." She smiled. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Really? How long have you been together?"

I mean, they must've been dating for a few like 2days and if they talk about me clearly they're not working.

"2 years." She smiled.

My mouth flew open and I looked at Michael who looked down. He's a cheater! He cheated on his current girlfriend!

"Really!?" I asked to make sure I heard it right.

"Yep." She giggled. "He was so happy to hear you were coming back."

"Yeah? Well, I'm happy to be back." I smiled.

"Well," she sat down and looked at me. "I think we'd be really good friends. Michael said we have a lot in common."

"Do we?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually. We have more in common than you think." She looked at Michael then at me again. "I love theme parks and water parks and stuff."

"We met at your favourite waterpark." Michael added in.

"Ah cool. Must've been fun." I smiled. "I'm sorry Gina, but I feel like going for a paddle, so I'll leave you and mike too it." I smiled standing up.

I walked down the beach and felt loads of stares against my skin. I shrugged it off and reached the water. I ran in and quickly went under to get the coldness out of the way.

I was swimming around and looking at Mike and Gina occasionally when I heard the same giggles I love and remember. I looked to my left and saw Ashton playing with two younger kids.

"Ashton!" I yelled.

He turned around and smiled. He waved and I swam over. I reached him and gave him a light hug not thinking about the skin touching.

"It's good to see you." Ash smiled.

"Same here." I laughed.

I then got splashed by the two small kids that Ashton was playing with before I came along.

"Oi!" Ashton yelled.

"It's fine, there kids." I laughed. "I'm Ari." I waved at them.

"I'm Gemma."

"I'm Harry."

I waved at them but soon enough a women came along yelling for the two younger ones to get there lunch.

I laughed at how quickly they swam away. Poor Harry struggled a bit but Gemma helped him along.

"Sorry for them splas - " he was cut off by me chucking a handful of water over his face. "Oh, you've done it now!" He laughed.

I began swimming away as he followed, I was screaming as I splashed my way through the water.

But, it wasn't enough. Ashton picked me up and lifted me into the air. I kicked and screamed.

"No! Please! Ashton I'm sorry!"

But it was to late. He threw me into the water and I came up spluttering. He was laughing and wiping away fake tears to show how funny it was.

"No! Please! Ashton I'm sorry!" He imitated me.

I threw more water over him and it became a massive water fight.


I looked over at the shore and saw that Mike and Gina had left. I huffed and looked back at Ashton who was looking for his mom and siblings too.

"I think we've been ditched." Ash giggled.

"Yeah, me too." I huffed.

"What makes you so sad? Thought we had fun?"

"We did, I did. Just, Michael said it would be a me and him day. Instead he brought Gina along." I rolled my eyes.

"She's nice when you get to know her."

"I know she's nice. That's just the problem. Michael doesn't deserve her, she can do better."

"That's harsh. He's your brother."

"He cheats on her. Like, all the time." I yelled.

"Yeah, wait what?" He asked shocked.

"Michael slept with someone else. It wasn't Gina."


"A few days ago. Remember, I slept with Austin because he pissed me off?"

"Wait, you're telling me that he slept with someone who wasn't Gina?"

"Yeah." I said fed up.

"No, Mike wouldn't do that."

"Wouldn't he?"

Ashton thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"I'm gonna kill him." He muttered.

"Let's go." I huffed.

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