I miss you

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No matter how hard I tried to deny my feelings for Ashton they were still there. I need to get back to Edward as soon as possible. We've been through so much already I'm not leaving him for a boy I dated for only what? Two days.


I got up and showered, I put on black jeans and a grey hoodie as I curled my hair. I put on light make up and carried on packing my bag to head home. I picked up my car keys and house keys as I walked into the living room to be greeted by all four boys.

"Well, I'm leaving now guys, I'll see you soon." I smiled.

They all hugged me individually but Ashton. We just waved at each other.

"I'll send you all an invite to our wedding. I'll let you know the date over text. I've left my Twitter, Instagram and phone number on the bed I was in. I've got a new one with a hidden username. Also I have a joint one with Edward all about the wedding so be sure to follow that too." I laughed.

I waved one last time before running out into to pouring rain and hopping into my car throwing my bag into the back seat. I turned my engine on and began the short journey home.


"Ed? Ed!?" I yelled as I walked in throwing my keys and bag on the floor.

Edward ran out of his room and embraced me into a rib breaking hug. I hugged him back just as tight as he kissed my forehead.

"I missed you so much. I've never been so scared of loosing someone in my life!" He told me as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I missed you too ed. I wish I didn't leave but at the same time I'm glad I did."

"Where'd you go?" He asked pulling me onto the sofa.

"Michaels." I smiled resting my head on his shoulder as his arm draped around my waist.

"Was if fun?" He asked understanding why I went there.

"Yeah, but I'm sure I would've had more fun here with you." I smirked.

"Don't even make sexual innuendos when we're discussing your brother." He laughed as I joined in to. "We haven't argued like that ever since we lost-"

"I know." I cut him off glumly. "I know babe."

I didn't want to be reminded of it. I couldn't bare hearing it all again. It replays in my mind over and over again.

"I'm sorry baby, I won't mention it again." He mumbled against my shoulder.

"What did you do whilst I was gone?" I looked up at him.

"Drank more, felt sorry for myself, sobered up and called you. After you said you'd be back today I fell asleep."

"Drinking doesn't solve anything." I warned.

"I know, but I was already drunk so..."

"How did you get all those scratches and that cut on your lip?" I asked remembering last night.

"I was pushed by this guy and he didn't like it so he punched me and I slipped and touched this girls bum and she hit me too."

"Bloody hell!" I laughed as I kissed his cut lips.

"Mhm." He mumbled pulling us down further on the sofa.


I was looking through wedding magazines when the doorbell rang. I stood up and threw the magazine I was reading on the sofa.

I opened the door and the immediate smell of donuts wafted through the apartment as I looked and saw Gina.

"Gina!" I exclaimed hugging her close to me. "What are you doing here!?"

"I got you're wedding invite. Michael rang and told me where you were. We've been looking for you for months!" She smiled.

"Well, here I am. Working, apartment and fiancé. I'm all grown up." I laughed at my own joke. "Come in."

She walked in and sat down on the sofa picking up the magazine I left there. She then flicked through it as I made coffee.

"Where's this mysterious fiancé of yours?" Gina yelled.

"He's out looking for a suit!" I yelled walking in and placing a cup of coffee on the table. "What happened between you and mike?"

"He changed a lot. He was rude all the time and never wanted to spend time with me. I, I cheated and I regret it now but it's to late to go back."

"What!? Who with!?" I asked shocked that she'd do something like that.

"He's called Trevor. He was my neighbour and when Michael wasn't there for me he was. We're actually dating now. He's at a hotel around the corner." She blushed with a guilty expression.

"What does this Trevor do then?" I asked taking a sip of coffee.

"He plays tennis. He does tournaments all over the world. We've got one coming up in Jamaica. He takes me with him you see but Michael would leave me." She rubbed her arm.

"How was Ashton when I left?" I asked more quieter.

"Quiet. He wouldn't say anything and he locked himself away. He's never dated anyone since, he's still single. When he found out you moved on he went off the rails. Now he's stuck."

I looked down and tried to ignore the guilt in my stomach. I didn't want this to be forever. I wanted me and Ashton to be a forgetful thing but obviously not.


I was outside the guys apartment. I needed to talk to Ashton and clear the air between us. I moved on, he should too.

"Ashton, can I talk to you?" I asked as he looked up at me.

I just walked in and found him alone on the sofa. He nodded and moved over. I sat down next to him.

"So, Gina told me how you feel about the engagement." I told him. "But, I want to hear it from you."

"There's nothing to say." He murmured. "You moved on, that's it. I can't say I'm happy but I won't stop you."

"You need to say more than that. I know how you feel really and I want to know why? Why do you feel this way?"

"What way?" He yelled. "You really want to know? You broke me! You broke every part of me and I could never forgive you for that. It didn't take you long to move along so obviously you didn't ever love me! I love you Ari! I fucking do! I want you to love me!"

"What the fuck!?"

We both looked up and saw Edward with Michael as he stood at the entrance of the living room.

"Eddie!" I exclaimed standing up quickly.

"Why is he saying all this!?" He yelled moving closer clenching his fist.

"Edward, please, don't!" I begged as I moved closer to him snaking my arms around his waist.

"Get off me Ari, I can't hurt you." He pleaded with me.

Michael tugged me away as Ashton stood up rolling his eyes.

"Why are you mad?!" Ashton yelled. "You stole her from me you know? I wouldn't even be surprised if you're her rebound!"

Suddenly Ashton was on the floor clutching his nose as he groaned. Edward stood above him shaking and holding his fist.

"She would never do that! Have you ever thought that maybe you just weren't what she deserved. Maybe I'm better for her then you!"

Ashton stood up as blood dripped from his nose. He shook his head and stormed to the front door.

"Ashton!" I yelled.

"If you run after him I swear to god we will be done!" Edward yelled.

I looked at my perfect fiancé and looked at the door where my only love ran from. I couldn't make up my mind.

Do I run or do I stay?

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