Love me harder

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"What's the matter with you ari? You've been in a mood with me since we got here and I'm starting to get tired." Ashton moaned as he walked over to me.

"Leave me alone then." I replied walking off and keeping up a quick pace.

"Is it something I've said!?" He yelled running to catch up with me.

"If you don't know I can't help you!" I hissed snatching my arm out of his reach.

"Ari!" He grabbed my waist and pinned me up against the wall holding my waist his lips lingering close to mine. "Fucking tell me Ari, I want to know."

"I'm fed up of you hooking up with every girl knowing I really like you!" I yelled shocked I'd told him.

He began smiling but moved a bit further away from me making me moan inside.

"Jealous? You're jealous?" He laughed.

"It isn't funny." I yelled trying to get him off me.

He held me tighter and moved my hair out my face. "It is," he placed a kiss on the side of my lips. "Because I really like you too."

His lips attached on mine as I gasped. I moved my hands to his hair and he pressed his body against mine as he detached his lips from my lips and moved them to my neck.

"A-Ashton. Don't start something you won't finish." I trembled out.

"Who says I won't?" He asked before kissing my lips again.

"Oh god." I moaned pulled his top off and throwing it on the floor.

"I've been wanting to do this for what feels like forever." He laughed.


Me and Ashton were walking back to the summer house holding hands and talking.

"I can't believe we did that." He said laughing.

"Neither can I to be fair. It felt good though." I giggled hiding my face in his arm.

"I love you so much Ari, I'm glad you feel the same." He said in all seriousness.

"I freakin love you so much." I laughed stepping away from him and turning backwards. "I bet I can beat you to the house."

"Oh yeah?" He asked folding his arms.

I nodded before I set off running down the empty field. I ran as fast as I could but I could hear Ashton getting closer and closer. I quickly turned to the left to find a short cut but as I did so I tripped and fell hitting my head on a stone. I let out a whimper and felt dizziness take over me.

"Babe?" Ashton called out as his footsteps through he branches came closer. "Where'd you go?" He asked laughing slightly.

I let out another whimper before hearing his panicked voice break out through the woods.

"Ari! What happened!?" He asked reaching for me.

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my left lower leg. I went to feel for it when I felt something sticking out of it. That's when I cried.

"It hurts!" I yelled crying harder.

"Sssh, it's going to be okay." He cooed sitting down next to me. He took his shirt off and put it under my head. "I'm going to call for help okay?" He told me picking his phone out his pocket.

I watched him tapping away at his phone before swearing and throwing it on his lap.

"I have lost signal. I need to go but I'll be back I promise." He told me.

"No! Don't leave me!" I grabbed his arm with no strength possible.

"Babe please I need to do this." He begged kissing my forehead.

I nodded feeling more sleep taking over as he quickly ran off.

Ashton POV
After finding Ari I ran to try and find signal. I was running aimlessly for what felt like hours trying to fide signal or help.

Then I heard it. I heard the sound of Michael and Luke laughing. I looked to the right and saw them.

"Luke! Michael!" I yelled running up to them breathlessly.

They looked at me panicked running over to me as I caught my breath. I must of still had blood on my hands as I hadn't cleaned them and I could feel the looks they gave me.

"She fell in the woods. Hit her head. She's hurt." I said quickly.

"Who?" Michael asked as Luke looked at me curiously.

"Ari." I said running back to her.

I could hear them following me as Luke called an ambulance knowing why I came back. Michael stayed next to me not knowing where to go as I did.

"Where the fuck is she!?" Mike yelled at me loudly.

"Just round there." I pointed to where I could faintly see her.

Michael ran off and reached her seconds before me. I got there and knelt down next to her like Michael did.

"Ashton?" She asked her voice weak.

"Ari, Michaels here too." I told her running my hand along her back.

Michael looked at me eyeing me up as I moved my hand away from her and she grabbed Michaels.

"It hurts." She told him squeezing his hand.

"I know sis, it'll be okay." He whispered kissing her hand.

"Where the fuck is Luke?" Michael asked spitting his words.

"Here, I'm here." Luke appeared with paramedics behind him.


We arrived at the hospital. I went with Luke and Michael went with Ari.

I wanted to go with her of course but i don't want Michael to find us out. Not today, not yet.

"Why were you with Ari in the woods alone?" Luke asked sitting in the waiting room chair.

"I heard her." I lied.

"I know when you're lying irwin. Now spill!" Luke demanded.

So I told him everything.


Michael POV
Seeing my little sister like this was hard, seeing her in pain and agony with no sign of improvement was even worse. I hate that this happened to her and not me. I really did.

"Mike?" Ari croaked as she tugged at the tubes in her nose.

"Ari, sis, leave it in okay?" I told her as I held her hands in mine. "Are you okay?" I asked mentally slapping myself.

"I'm alright." She smiled trying to hide her sadness.

"In pain?" I asked sitting down on the bed she laid in.

"Very much so." She laughed hissing after a few chuckles. "Michael? Did you find me?"

"No, Ashton was the one who found you. He called for us as his phone had no signal. He helped a lot actually."

"Where is he? Is he here?" She asked more curious than before.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked confusion clear in my tone.

"I-I just want to thank the person who saved me from a night in the cold." She whispered fiddling with her fingers.

"If he wasn't near by you know I would've looked for you. Don't think I wouldn't." I told her feeling as if she didn't see me like that.

"I know mikey, I know." She told me.


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