Lost in reality

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I was in bed resting when I heard alarms going off in another apartment. I didn't know what was going on but I wanted it to stop. I had a headache and this wasn't helping.

"Miss Clifford?" A nurse walked in all pale. "I'm afraid we need to get out now, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Why?" I asked moving my blanket off of me.

Then I heard yelling and gun shots. I looked at the nurse who shook visibly running to the other nurses who frantically grabbed empty beds and shoved them against the doors.

We're in a lockdown, this is a real drill. This is a real life situation I'd never have thought would happen to me.

"Move all heavy items to every door immediately." A nurse yelled running through our section.

I heard more gunshots and screams as nurses carried on trying to save everyone in a different way to there normal career choice.

"Nurse!" I yelled. "Are we safe?" I begged.

"No, but we won't stop." She said honestly.

I began to cry silently as I watched patients moving to the floor so there bed could be used. I did the same pulling my oxygen tube with me.

"Excuse me?"

I looked across from me and saw a girl around 15 staring back at me with hopeful eyes. I crawled over to her and began to take in her very ill appearance. Cancer victim.

"Hi, do I know you?" I asked smiling kindly.

"I'm Hayley, I'm 15 and a huge fan of 5sos. I know you but you don't know me." She smiled widely.

How is she so happy in a time like this. How? 

"Oh." Was my response.

"I've known since you've been here but I didn't want to cave your personal space. I want to get our minds off what's happening so I thought I'd say now." She smiled.

A loud gun shot went through the glass window next to me and Hayley. She screamed and I pulled her close to me so I could hug her. I know what it's like to be scared, it's awful. She's only 15 too.

"What's your favourite song?" I asked her.

"Fix you by cold play." I smiled at her response.

"Good choice."


"Baby I by Ariana grande. Love her." I smiled.

"She's okay. I love good Charlotte, my favourite band,"

"Like Luke." I told her.

"Really? My favourites always been Calum but Luke's amazing too. They all are."


Michael POV
Sitting here with no emotive to move sucks. I debated on watching some news to see the latest but I couldn't be bothered to even do that.

"Bro, let's do something." Luke sat next to me grabbing the remote and switching it on.

"Breaking news, a hospital in Sydney Australia has been put on lockdown due to a group of gunmen inside. The gunmen are illegibly escaped prisoners from Perth terrorism prison. If anyone is contacted from any hospital throughout Sydney please alarm all ones."

I looked at Luke who shook his head in disbelief. Then Ashton ran in with Calum behind him.

"It's Ari's hospital in lockdown. We need to go!" Ash yelled running to grab his keys.


By the time we got there hundreds of people were outside. Some were crying some were shaking and some were just sitting there emotionless. But none were Ari.

"She's still inside." I whispered looking at the hospital.

Police were standing outside with guns and protective body gear. Some were standing out there with helmets as well ready to go in.

I ran to a police officer and the guys followed.

"What's happening? My sisters in there." I asked scared.

"There are a group of gunmen in there. They have shot people already but some people are in locked rooms with nurses trying to do everything they can." He promised me.

I looked down and felt a pang of guilt wash over me. This is all my fault, every second she's in there.

We're still in here trapped. There is no way of finding out but I bloody well will get out.

"Ari!" Hayley yelled in excitement. "We can leave. Come on!"

I saw her pointing to a door that was open as two nurses left with a pile of patients. I joined them holding Hayley's hand.

We reached the door but before we could leave we saw one of the gunmen. He stood there watching us before pulling his gun up and shooting what we know as his last bullet. We all screamed hoping it would miss us all. It didn't.

Ashton POV
God I hope she's okay. I need her in my arms right now. I need her close by me more than ever, I freakin need her.

"Look, people are coming out!" Calum yelled.

I looked over to where they were coming out. There were around 30 and Ari being small was hard to see. But I saw her. I saw her with a girl as they breathed a sigh of relief.

I ran over not even thinking about Michael as I picked her up and pulled her close. Her body was so small and fragile and she hissed as I put her down.

"What's wrong?" I asked frantically.

"I didn't even think about my ankle until now. It really hurts." She smiled a genuine smile.

I laughed and then Mike came over with everyone else. They all hugged her and she introduced Hayley. Luke seemed happy and pleased that she was a huge good Charlotte fan.

"I just want to come home Michael." She told him leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm ill, I need to-" then she threw up on the floor.

I looked at her and moved closer pulling her away from Michael who now had sick on his shirt. He looked at me thankfully as I grabbed a nurse.

"She's got a head injury and she's thrown up I don't know if that's normal or...?" I drifted off.

The nurse looked at Ari and saw how pale she was. She shook her head and pulled out a notepad.

"Name?" She asked us.

"Ari Clifford." Michael answered.

"I'm sending her home. Bed rest and lots of it. I'll give you a prescription if you pop by tomorrow when this place is running again. But she needs sleep and a lot of it."

We thanked her and told Ari the news. She nodded and smiled saying goodbye to Hayley and walking, hobbling, to the car.

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