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"So you were in there with John, more commonly known by his codename Darkrai, and went into the office. What did you see?"
"Well, Trisha, what we saw appeared to be a normal CEO office of the East Inoro Trade Corporation. But instead of Charles, we were greetes with a countdown for a nuclear detonation with five seconds left." Tears welled in Karlia's eyes. All a part of the act, of course. These people needed to be fed the lie that John's death was a tragic and unfortunate event, and she would do just that for Jarrod. They needed to legitimize their cause, or else they would not get the backing they needed.
"I'm so sorry." Trisha said. "You don't have to go on if you don't want to."
"No, it's fine." Karlia replied, wiping away tears on her sleeves. For once, she wasn't wearing her usual armor, which was on an armor rack in her condo in Tokyo where she and Jarrod lived. Today, she was wearing some white jeans with a red sweater along with some combat boots. Quite a change of pace from when she was on the run and having to constantly wear her armor for her own sake. Perhaps now that her role in the fighting was finally over, she could retreat to a more laid back and posh life.
"Anyways, he threw up an Essence shield around me to protect me from the blast. When I woke up, he was gone..." Tears streamed down her face. Trisha, a seasoned news reporter for the Israelite News, put a hand on her shoulder, knowing that consoling her was the best option for her ratings.
"That is a heartbreaking story. It shows that many had to sacrifice everything, even their lives, in order to bring down the tyranny that was the East Inoro Trade Corporation. Thank you for being with us, Karlia. Karlia Brigand, former East Inorian General turned rebel."
"Thank you for having me." Karlia replied. Trisha turned to the camera as Karlia left the studio stage.
"Up next is Auriela, a Changeling scientist held hostage by Inoro who is here to talk about her new plan to reduce the amount of rogue Changeling attacks..."

Dustin paced back and forth, contemplating his position. On one hand, he liked Jarrod and enjoyed his position of power. On the other hand, he knew that John's death was no accident. Sighing, he took in the Tokyo sunshine one last time beforw entering Jarrod's house, the glint from the sun fading off his arm. He was greeted by a smiling Jarrod out of his armor, instead wearing his traditional green officer jacket with black pants.
"Hey, Dustin, thanks for coming over!" Jarrod happily exclaimed. Dustin forced a smile.
"Yeah, it's good to see you." Dustin replied before walking in. The house was well done: a nice, carpeted floor; a large, open kitchen; dark blue wallpaper; a fireplace in the living room. It had everything a young couple could want, although Dustin didn't know if he'd call Jarrod young, since he was around one billion years old. Dustin sat.on a big, comfy couch in the living room, while Jarrod took a rocking chair.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Jarrod asked. Dustin sighed.
"Jarrod, I know John's death was no accident." All happiness drained from Jarrod's face. His smile disappeared.
"Oh, really?" he said. "That's a bold accusation."
"Oh, cut the crap. I know what went down." Jarrod rose from his chair, slowly drifting towards the armory.
"And what do you plan to do about it?" he asked coldly.
"Well, nothing as of now. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm out of this Idiot Brigade you have created. My soldiers are coming with me as well." Jarrod stopped backing towards the armory.
"So you're resigning, then?" Jarrod asked, relieved.
"Not only that, I'm creating my own military group. I think I'm going to get a piece of the action in the shitstorm that is Inoro, too." Dustin got up and began to leave.
"Alright." Jarrod said. "But realize the next time we meet on the battlefield, it will be as enemies." Dustin walked through the doorway.
"I'm counting on it."

Karlia walked into her new home, smiling at the sight of Jarrod on the sofa watching TV. Finally, after all the conflict, she can finally settle down.
Jarrod, hearing the door being opened, turned his head, smiling when he saw her.
"Hey." he said.
"Hey there." she replied before curling up on his arm.
"How did the interview go?" he asked.
"It went well. How was your day in the office?" Jarrod sighed.
"Long. I'm really happy to have you home." Karlia giggled before sliding herself on the top of his body.
"I can give you another reason to be happy to have me home." she said seductively. Jarrod blushed.
"Someone's being forward." he said. Karlia winked.
"Oh, you know you love it." she shot back before planting her lips onto his. Their kissing was passionate and long. Jarrod put his hands into her back jean pockets. He felt a little piece of metal. Jarrod broke the kiss.
"What's in your pocket?" he asked. Karlia giggled.
"Oh, just a bullet. I honestly can't keep track of where i put them." She pulled his hands from her pockets up to her chest to let him feel what she wasn't wearing. Smiling from what he found, he continued.
Meanwhile, the bullet glowed faintly in her pocket, the black substance inside shaking around.

Karlia laid awake in bed that night, moonlight flooding in from a nearby window. Checking to make sure Jarrod still slept, she crept out of the bedroom onto the balcony. The cool night air brushed against her face. Reaching into her nightgown pocket, she pulled out the same bullet that had been in her back pocket earlier.
"John, I set you free." she whispered. The bullet shattered and dissolved, the Essence inside taking form in front of her. The familiar face of her friend materialized in front of her, smiling.
"Well, that went off without too many hitches, didn't it, Karlia?" he smirked. Karlia sighed.
"I wish I hadn't had to have detonated the warheads. I was hoping Jarrod would have arrived sooner." John gripped her shoulder.
"Hey, we knew the very real risk for that happening, and we accepted it." Karlia smiled.
"Well, you got what you wanted. You're free from the Brigade and the conflict that it brings. You can now do what you want." John stretched out his arms before transforming into his woman form.
"Finally." he said in a feminine voice. "And with this form, I'll travel hidden. There are thousands of Changelings in the world now. No one is going to be bothered by one more." Karlia looked at John with sad eyes.
"I may never see you again." she whispered. John reached forward and pulled Karlia into a hug.
"I know." he whispered. "And for what you've done for me, I thank you. Take care of things in the Empire. Don't let it go to shit." John's back began to glow purple, Essence surrounding him. In a flash, John bore two large, black, feathered wings on his back. Karlia broke the hug and backed up in awe.
"What...are you?" she gaped in wonder. John smiled.
"I am a God." he replied. Looking off into the distance, John realized he was finally free.
"I'm going to settle down. Try and create a family. I always wanted one. Of course, I'll have to wait until all this shit settles down." With a flap of his wings, John took to the skies.
"Goodbye, Karlia." he looked down at her one last time. "Hope to see you again." Then, quick as a flash, he flew into the night sky, leaving Karlia, the only other person who knew the truth, alone once more.

Author's note: Thank you all who gave this story support! This is not over by any means, but this part is. If you want to know when the next part of the saga is being published, don't forget to follow me! Thanks again!

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