Black Sun Incident Part 2

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My vision tortured me. I wanted it to end, to end right now. If it ended now, I would be saved from the sight I didn't want to visit again. But it showed no signs of stopping, and I couldn't stop it myself. I could vaguely hear the outside world, hearing Dustin trying to snap me out of it, shaking me, calling for a doctor. His attempts were in vain. I'm forced to sit through this nightmare, to play through the events again like a goddamn movie. I sighed, preparing for the slideshow from hell to continue.

Shit. Shit, shit shit. She couldn't! There's no way! Atomic weapons? No. I must've seen wrong. This is the Twin Cities. The higher-ups of Inoro wouldn't use atomic weapons on their own citizens? Right? Multiple thoughts raced through my mind as I flew over a war-torn Minneapolis, the skeletons of skyscrapers making their best attempts to scrape the sky. Looking to my right, I watched the missiles continue to fly to their projected target. I couldn't catch up to them, they flew too fast. I sighed. There was no way I could stop the impact. The nuclear fire would envelop the Brigade and everyone in it. No. They wouldn't drop nuclear weapons!! It's the goddamn Twin Cities, there's too many citizens still in the area! It's probably just a conventional missile attack, nothing more. That we can handle. I lifted my wrist to my mouth.

"Xerneas, Xerneas, come in Xerneas." I commanded. After a crackle of static, I heard my friend's familiar voice.

"This is Xerneas. Did you kill the general yet?"

"Yes, but we've got a bigger problem. She launched some missiles towards your location. I can't confirm, but I believe they're atomic. I need you to get everyone out of there. NOW."

"Understood. We'll begin a full retreat from this area."

"Thanks. I'll find the time of impact." I cut away from Dustin, needing to make one more call.

"Mind Man, come in Mind Man."

"Hey, Dark Rai. This is Mind Man, what do you need?" The engineer's annoying voice rang in my ears.

"Listen, there are some missiles heading towards Dustin's location. I need you to figure out their time of impact." I looked up, a concrete wall right in front of me. I clenched my fist, my Essence springboarding me above the skyscraper, narrowly avoiding being splattered.

"Alright, I'll run the calculations. It'll only take about thirty seconds." I glanced back up at the missiles. I lost ground on them, and they continued speeding towards their target. Their sleek, metal bodies began to disappear, the remaining skyscrapers impairing my view. The exhaust still lingered in the air. Down in the streets, I could hear children crying, trying to find their parents in the ruins. Inorian soldiers tried to direct citizens to the shelters, but the number of citizens caused the processed to be clogged up and slow. Soldiers tried to pull a woman from the rubble, but her legs remained pinned underneath a gurdur. Staring at the scene below me, I raise my arm, my Essence descending down to the gurdur. The soldiers look at me in shock, and begin to fire at me. I glance at the bullets flying towards me. They rip through the air, a whistling noise accompanying them. I drew my sword so fast I only saw a silver blur. I arced the blade through the air in a circular motion, Essence trailing closely behind. The bullets connected with my Essence, deflecting at the touch. I heard the bullets ricochet on a wall in the distance, the distinctive noise echoing back to me. Glancing back at the woman, I saw my Essence finally reached its target, lifting the gurdur from the woman's broken form. I grew annoyed. The soldiers continued shooting at me, despite seeing I'm only trying to help! My anger rose, and I threw my arm out, the gurdur flying into the soldiers, crushing them.

"Dark Rai." a voice crackled over my communicator.

"What, Mind Man? Have you found out the impact time yet?"

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