Chapter 1 - The Dark Green Flannel Shirt

Start from the beginning

Not so tight Marinette

"Sorry Tikki" said Marinette. She loosened the girth by one hole, she mounted.

"Hey Girl! How ya been?" said a voice, Marinette turn her head to see her scarlett ombre haired bestie sitting her her horse, Hamlet.

"Hey Ayla, How was Paris?"

"It was AMAZING!!!! I gotta tell you all about it, but I think you gotta warm up, you got 5 minutes to do it."

"Oh Right, See ya."

Marinette nudged Tikki into a trot, and made a 20 metre circle at the far end of the arena. When Marinette applied the aid for canter Tikki obeyed and glided into the canter. Marinete changed her diagnal and canterrd the other way. Soon enough Marinette felt beads of sweat forming on her head,

"You warm up yet Tikki?"

Yes plenty, I hope Mr Agreste isn't so tough on us

"Neither do I Tikki,Come on" said Marinette. She nudged Tikki into a trot again and found a spot next to Ayla and Nino. Nino was on his horse Beta, Ivan was on Rusty, Mylene on her pony Harper, Rose on Firefly, Juleka on Reffel, Alix on Tee-bee, Kim on Acer, Max on Galileo, Nathaniel on Elliot, Chloe on another Horse that she bought and Sabrina on Sampson. Marinette noticed Adrein who was on Plagg, He looked at her and she smiled back.

"Hey Dudettes, who's the new guy, over there." nudged Nino, as he pointed to Adrein

"Thats Adrein Agreste," Marinette replied "He's new here."


"Come on, he asked me to put his bridle on, no biggie!"

"Bullshit dudette, come on you go say hi to him and we'll join ya!"

Alya, Nino and Marinette nudged thier horses into a walk and headed Adrein's way.

"Hey dude I'm Nino, what's up?" said Nino

Adrein lifted his head up to the trio, Marinette smiled at him, he winked. Marinette blushed

"I'm Alya, and of course you know Marinette." said Alya, pointing to Marinette

"Yeah Dude you should come with us, you seem so lonley over here." said Nino

"Ok sure." said Adrein, they walked their horse over to their first spot

"Well Well Well, Look who came back the Academy Sabrina!"

A few people int the class stopped talking and stared Marinette's way.

"Oh Look!" said Marinette as she pointed to Chloe "Its a LITTLE BITCH! She decided to come back with her Daddy."

A few people ohhh quietly, causing Chloe to form a frown on her face.

"Well at least I dont live in a bakery and have a dipped saddlled horse!" said Chloe with a smirk

"Well at least I dont buy a new horse every week, and for you infomation I actually ride my dipped saddle horse unlike you. BIATCH!" Marinette replied. The whole Riding team was yelling 'GET WRECKED CHLOE' and whole bunch of other words Marinette couldn't make out.

"Go cry to your Daddy now Chloe." Yelled Alya. Marinette felt a finger tap her shoulder, she turned around to see Adrein, smiling at her

"That was amazing, I wouldn't have the guts to do that!" said Adrein

"Thanks," she replied "It pays to deal with her for 5 years."

Nathile walk into the Main Arena and everyone went silent, Marinette noticed that she was holding a clipboard, she couldn't make out the words but the title was


"Alright students, I'm going to call out names of these sudents and you all have to go to outside Arena, Madme Buister will be waiting for you.
Ivan, Mylene, Chloe, Sabrina, Rose, Juleka and Max. The rest of you stay here and wait for Mr Agreste to arrive." The chosen 7 dismounted and left the Main Arena. Mr Agreste entered the arena with a crop in his right hand.

"Good Morning Students, I hope you had a good week?" Mr Agreste, He looked her way and smiled the smallest bit. "Now lets get down to buisness."


What do you think? It took me 2 days to do this!!! My cousins wouldn't stop bothering me!
if you guys have any ideas on what I should do next, I would love to hear them. I still dont know what the plot it but I would really love your ideas again!!! SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!


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