21 | Disappear Here

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"What the hell are those?" Thomas asks, his eyes, along with mine, fixated on the large, sharp and dark figures in front of us. They kind of look like large panels placed beside each other.

"We call them The Blades." Minho answers, walking into them.

My feet fall behind Minho's, my eyes everywhere but on him. This is a part of the Maze I seriously have never seen.

"What's that?" I mumble as I see articles of clothing lying on the ground a few yards in front of us.

Minho follows my gaze and starts jogging over to them, crouching down and picking up the torn and ripped red tank top.

"It's Ben's, isn't it?" Thomas says.

"Yeah." Minho mumbles, dropping the tank on the ground. "A Griever must have killed him down here."

Suddenly the sounds of an actual Griever echoes off the Blades. My eyebrows furrow and my eyes meet Thomas' who looks equally as worried as me. I immediately start checking my surroundings, looking for any machine spiders with spikes as teeth in the close area. Thomas suddenly shoves Minho around, pulling the device we found inside the Griever from his backpack. The noise obviously coming from the thing in Thomas' hands. Thomas starts moving it around, walking back towards the Blades, the whirring slows and gets quieter. Thomas turns around and walks the opposite direction, the device's whirring cranking up again.

"Is that thing-?" I start.

"Yeah." Thomas interrupts. "I think it's showing us the way."

We start walking in the direction the device is taking us, we walk upon another set of Blades.

Thomas suddenly stops, "Wait."

"What?" Minho asks.

Thomas turns to the left, "This way."

We follow Thomas to the back of the Blades, where a tunnel is placed. The device in Thomas' hands starts going off like crazy. Thomas looks back at me and then at Minho, uncertainty in his eyes. I nod, almost giving him permission to go forward. We follow him through the mouth of the tunnel, entering a different area. The walkway in this area is surrounded by nothing but an endless drop. Something tells me you don't want to fall down there.

"Minho, have you seen this place before?" I ask, my eyes never leaving the walls and ceiling.

"No..." Minho answers, his eyes equally moving around.

At the end of this tunnel is a dead end covered in a cement door. The closer we come upon it, the louder the whirring gets.

"It's just another dead end." Minho sighs.

Just then, the whirring stops, causing me to glance over at the device in Thomas' hands. The red seven suddenly turns green and a loud cranking echoes throughout the tunnel as the cement wall behind us begins opening up. Inside that cement door is another cement door and then another cement door, all opening together. Then the last cement door has a circle indented in it. The circle opens up, revealing nothing but darkness.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Minho asks.

"I've told y'all I'm crazy before, right?" I smirk, before leading the three of us into the circle of darkness.

Just as we come upon the mouth of the circle, Minho runs his hand against the cement. A gross slime attaches itself to Minho's hand.

"Grievers." Minho mumbles.

That's when a whirring sound starts and a red light inside the circle starts blinking. Multiple red circles appear as a red laser reaches out and scans all three of us up and down. An echoing dong sounds throughout the tunnel.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asks.

Suddenly, a loud alarm starts blaring, causing me to basically jump out of my skin.

"We gotta get out of here!" I yell, looking over at an equally as terrified Minho. We all start running, exiting the "dead end" just as the circle starts closing up and the cement walls start shutting. "Run!" I scream, at the top of my lungs. Thomas almost trips as we all start running back for the entrance of the tunnel. As we exit the tunnel the Blades suddenly start switching back and shutting.

"What the hell?" Thomas asks.

"We gotta run." Minho mumbles, shock glossing over his eyes. He glances back at us. "We gotta go!" He repeats, louder and more panicky this time. "We're gonna get trapped!"

His last sentence causes both Thomas and I to literally start running the fastest we've ever run in our lives. We run straight through the metal blades. My feet clap against the ground, my arms pump wide and I feel sweat collecting on my forehead. The Blade in front of me starts shutting as I sprint through it, Thomas carrying up the end and Minho at the lead. The Blades start closing faster, causing us to have to run up a few rows just to pass through them. Minho runs through row after row, passing through the Blades at the last second. I follow him, closely, passing through by the skin of my teeth and literally feeling the metal of the Blade skim the back of my combat boots. I outwardly sigh as I continue running with Minho, but then realize that if I had barely made it through that row...then WHERE THE HELL IS THOMAS?!

Minho seems to have realized the same thing as me, because he turns back, examining me, before taking off in the direction of the shutting rows of Blades.

"Minho!" I hear Thomas scream from the other side of the closing Blades.

"Come on, Thomas!" I scream, running with his dashing figure.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Minho yells, running with us.

Thomas runs faster than ever, throwing himself into the Blades and making it through. He runs straight into me. I catch him but Minho continues yelling. "Keep running!" back at us. We start running again, catching up with Minho. We take a sharp left, exiting section 7 just as the ground starts crumbling beneath us. The walls suddenly start falling behind us, sending debris flying through the air and blurring my vision.

"Come on! Don't look back!" Minho yells back at us, as he takes the lead again.

The walls in front of us start turning to fall and crumble just like the ones behind us. The turns of the Maze walls also start shutting. This causes Minho to take another sharp left, jumping up onto a closing section of the wall and crawling through. I look over at Thomas, who's a few feet behind me, and jump forward, landing hard on the shutting cement. I crawl, desperately.

"Come on, B! Thomas!" Minho cries, from the other side of the wall.

I find a stable area and start crawling. I pull with my hands and slam my knees on the ground as the walls get closer together. I find the edge with my palms and grab it, shoving myself out of the crawl-space. I fall to the ground, my back hitting the Maze floor.

"Ah!" I groan out in pain as I watch Thomas fall down to the ground beside me.

"You are crazy." Minho mumbles, looking over at me before he drops his head to the ground, breathing heavily.

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