Deal with the Devil

Start from the beginning

"So, what's it going to be? I'll do what you want me to do. Once she is given her body, she never has to see you, or any of your psycho doctors again. You can have me for the rest of my life."

The hood shifted slightly and he heard a long, raspy breath released from the twisted figure. He looked back down at the beautiful android girl who just needed a soul. She looked so real. He couldn't make his mind wrap around the fact that they had created her. He reached out his hand and touched her smooth skin. It was cool, but felt just like human skin.

"Alright Jack. Your sisterrr, once transferred, goes freee."

"How do I know you'll keep your word? I don't trust you."

Jack! I do not want this! Please listen to me! his sister screamed.

"You will just have tooo wait and seee. I do not need your sisterrr, anywayyy. I need youuu, Jack."

Jack took a deep breath and let his shoulders sag. "When can we switch her over into her new body?" he asked.

"You mussst successfully defeat the oncominggg enemy. Thennn your precious sisterrr may be set freee."

No! No, Jack! No, please! You cannot sell your soul for meee! Please don't agree to this, please!

"You've got a deal."

With another glance at the ethereal beauty on the bed, Jack turned toward the door. His sister's sobs echoed through his mind and his own eyes filled with her tears, but he blinked them back, squared his shoulder, and accepted his sealed fate in Hell. 


Jackson and Macy walked into the busy police department in Sydney and walked over to the first person they found seated at a desk. Jackson pulled out his badge and put on his lopsided, charming grin for the young uniformed female officer.

"Hello, Miss. Can we have a moment?" he asked, politely interrupting her frantic typing.

She glanced up at him, took in the badge and looked over at Macy, then pulled the glasses off of her face and smiled. "Sure! How can I help you, sir?"

"Well, my partner here, and I are following a lead and we'd appreciate a chance to speak to whoever is in charge around here."

"You're a long way from home!" the girl stated, studying him curiously. Her accent was thick. She was definitely a local.

"That we are, ma'am." Jackson winked at her and nodded. "We'd love to get back, too, so if you'd be kind enough to send us in the right direction?"

"Wait here a moment," she said, standing up. "I'll be right back."

She briskly threaded her way between desks and other cops, making her way quickly toward the back of the room. She disappeared around a corner and Jackson put his badge away and shoved his hands in his pocket. He turned to look at Macy. She was busily filing her nails and humming her little tune.

Her blue eyes eventually flitted up to meet his and she smiled. "What darling?"

Jackson shrugged. "Nothing. I was just... nothing."

She stared at him for a second and then went back to her filing and humming. Jackson closed his eyes for a moment, wishing he had the right words to say to her.

His thoughts were interrupted by a booming voice behind him. "Why what have we got here? L.A.P.D. payin us a visit all the way down under!"

Jackson turned toward the voice and found himself face to face with a rugged, friendly-looking guy in cowboy boots and a small-brimmed hat. His eyes twinkled and he smiled, causing his face to crinkle even more than it already was. He had a gun strapped in a hip-holster. Jackson did a double take when he realized it was an old-fashioned revolver. Powerful and deadly, but very outdated.

"Afternoon, sir. Are you the man in charge around here?" Jackson asked, holding a hand out.

The guy shook it warmly and nodded, before turning his eyes on Macy. "That would be me, most of the time! Name's Crowly. And who might this little lady be?"

"This is my partner, Macy Grey. My name's Jackson Wolfe, Mr. Crowly. We'd just like to ask a few questions, if you wouldn't mind," Jackson replied, stepping aside as the guy removed his hat and swept himself into a low bow before Macy as he took her hand and kissed it softly.

"Well, I don't know about you, Mr. Wolfe, but I'll tell this little gem anything she wants to know!" was the enthusiastic reply.

Macy blushed and giggled before withdrawing her hand. "Why aren't you just adorable!" she said softly. Her eyes were glued to the guy's face. Jackson cleared his throat and stepped between them.

"Uhh, thank you, Mr. Crowly. Is there someplace a bit quieter we could talk?" he asked.

The charming Australian finally looked back up at Jackson and with his eyes twinkling, he turned, offered Macy his arm, which she took with a big smile, and turned back toward wherever he had come from. He began to walk and called over his shoulder, "Follow me, mate!"

Jackson rolled his eyes and followed, nodding at the young female officer as he went by. "Thank you, Miss," he said as he passed.

"Not a problem. He gets outta hand, just shoot 'im." She winked and returned to her typing.

Jackson sighed. This was going to be a long afternoon.


(Votes? What do you guys think about Jack's decision?)

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