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  Jerome alighted softly on the ground outside the service entry of the huge hotel. He punched in a code on the security pad and the door made a soft click before swinging open to allow him entry. He cocked his head for a moment, listening. Then he headed for the ballroom-turned-workout-area. He strode in, folding his vast, dark wings around him.

He stepped quickly to the side as Natasha went bounding by him. She was doing her routine.

"Hello Jerome!" she called as she went by.

"Hello, Lady Raven," he replied. "I seek the Oracle."

Natasha landed on her feet behind him and shook her long, dark ponytail. She cocked her head to the side and placed her hands on her hips. "I thought you two had some kind of 'mental connection'." He didn't respond, so she said, "I believe she has been in her quarters all day."

Finally he answered. "She keeps in touch using her abilities, but it isn't constant. That would drain her energy. She usually seeks me out at least once per hour when she is awake, but I have not felt her since early this morning. I am... perplexed."

"You mean 'worried'... and what ever happened to good 'ol cell phones?"

"Modern technology is flimsy in comparison to the way we communicate," he replied, gazing toward the hall that would lead to the elevators. "I must go look in on her. Yes. You are correct. I am worried."

"I'll tag along! If something's wrong, maybe I can help."

He glanced at her and headed toward the elevators. "As you wish."

When the two of them reached Tya's quarters (she still kept her apartment, but since joining the team she didn't spend much time there), Jerome stopped and gave Natasha a side-long glance.

"I hear no stirring, but I can hear her heart beating steadily. Perhaps she is sleeping."

Natasha's eyebrows shot up. "You can hear her heart beat? From out here?" Amazement was obvious in her voice.

He looked at her with his steady, expressionless face and nodded. "You would be surprised at what I can hear. My eyesight is equally sharp. I am used to it, but were someone, who wasn't used to it, suddenly bestowed with the eyesight and hearing I possess, it would undoubtedly be painful for them."

She nodded, obviously impressed.

"Truly like a falcon," she murmured. "Well? Are you going to knock?"

He shifted his eyes to the door. "Yes."

He knocked, but there was no answer. He knew she was in there. He knew she was alive. Could she have slept for the greater part of the day? That was unlike her. If she had been that tired, he would have known. He knocked a bit louder.

When there still wasn't any answer, he stole a glance at Natasha, then pulled a key from inside his boot and placed it in the lock.

"Oh, well that's convenient!" she said, giving him a knowing look.

"She gave me a key in case of emergency. We are friends. Nothing more."

"Mmhmm. You bet."

Jerome shrugged his shoulders and opened the door. When he stepped inside, he saw Tya sitting on the bed in her usual meditative pose. Her eyes stared straight ahead.

"Tya?" he said, his voice quiet and even.

No answer.

"Tya, its Jerome. Are you okay?"

Her head turned slowly toward him. Her expression was blank and her eyes were wide. They were glowing bright green. He stepped toward her, his heart racing. Then with a leap he was at her side.

A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2Where stories live. Discover now