Blessing of the Chief

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  "Hello, Jackson!" Macy sang without glancing his way. Her little feet click-clacked right by him. She was headed toward Chief Munson's office. Jackson stood to his feet and followed her, one eyebrow arched. She obviously had a bee in her bonnet about something.

His long legs quickly overtook her and he grabbed her by the elbow. "Macy...”

She swung around and looked up at him. "Yes?"

"What gives?"

"Nothing at all. I'm off to talk to the Chief."

"Without me?"

"Why do I need you in order to talk to him?"

He looked at her from under hooded lids and said nothing. He just shoved his hands into his pockets and studied her face.

"Well! If that's it then?" she asked and turned back toward the Chief's office door.

"I'll join you."

"Suit yourself!" she sang as she briskly walked away.

When they got there, Macy tapped and then poked her head in. "Chief?"

He was on the phone, but he gestured for her and Jackson to come in and sit down. They did. Macy refused to look at Jackson, but he didn't make it easy. He began to whistle quietly. She looked the other way. So he reached out and began flicking her little blonde ringlets of hair. She brushed his hand away and glared at him before turning her head again.

He flicked her hair again.

"Jackson Wolfe! What on Earth has got into you?" she squeaked at him, her big blue eyes wider than usual.

He just shrugged and looked away. When she huffed and turned back toward the wall again, he leaned forward and blew softly into the hair at the nape of her neck. She sprang to her feet and stared daggers down at him, her hands planted on her hips.

He just gazed up at her with a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He gave her his most innocent, boyish look and raised his eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Stop it, Jackson, or..."

"Or what?" he whispered up at her.

"Wolfe!" They both jumped and turned toward the Chief. "Are you harassing my little honey bee?"

"Of course not, sir! I wouldn't think of it."

"I'll drop you back down to meter maid, boy!"

"I know you will, Chief!" Jackson's eyes twinkled and he gave the old Chief a wink. "That's why I wouldn't think of it."

Chief Munson looked up at Macy and gestured toward her chair. She sat down with a little plop and glared at Jackson before turning back to the Chief.

"Do you have news?" she asked, scooting forward in her chair.

Chief Munson looked uncomfortable. "I'm glad you two are here. I was about to call you in anyways."

"Tell us!" Macy's voice went up an octave.

"Alright! Alright, but you won't like it." He sat back and folded his hands across his stomach. First he looked at Jackson and then at Macy. "They were let go. All of them."

Macy's jaw dropped. She sprang to her feet. "What?"

"They were sent back to their own country, of course, but I have a feeling they won't be paying for what they've done here."

"How can that be?"

Jackson stood up. "Its politics, partner. You can't convict the top branches of government of crime. It isn't possible. This goes higher than we can reach. Isn't that obvious?"

Macy looked at him with horror written over her features. "What does that mean?" She turned back to the Chief. "Chief! What does that mean? They can just keep doing what they want? What about Jackson? What about the rest of the people they might be using and experimenting on?"

"Well," Chief Munson stood up as well and looked at them both. "Then we have to keep arresting them. We'll keep at them until they either give up this nonsense, or we eventually kill the key players off. By accident of course."

"So, we're going to fight them then?" Her lip trembled.

"Of course!" He grinned at her. "And I know you two have some very powerful allies. No! You don't need to tell me a goddamned thing. I don't want to know and you keep that between us, ya hear?"

They both nodded, a little too shocked to reply.

"I know you've got friends in high places and I know they have interest in the matter, too. You keep them to yourselves. You keep to yourselves what we know about our boy, here." He nodded toward Jackson. "We're going to continue under the guise of your special division, but its directive has changed."

"Really?" Macy looked incredulous.

"Yep. We won't change anything on the outside, but we've got much more dangerous fish to fry, now. And we're going to need the help of your 'super friends'. Think you two can handle the new direction you'll be taking?"


"Of course, Chief."

Jackson and Macy looked at each other and grinned. In spite of her current bonnet full of bees, she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed. "I knew I loved our Chief for a reason!" she squeaked. Then she turned back toward a blushing Chief and looked at him adoringly.

"I just knew you'd be understanding, Chief." she said, gently. She walked around the desk and planted a kiss on his cheek. He batted her away and chuckled.

"Don't you two go making me regret my decision."

"We won't. Promise." She hugged him.

Jackson shook his hand and the Chief cleared his throat. "Now I don't wanna hear about anything that you know I could lose my job for knowing and not disclosing. Everything else, you report. Got it?"

They agreed.

"Alright, then, Get to work!"

The two left his office. Jackson wasn't surprised with the news the way Macy had been. He knew it wouldn't be that easy. He was surprised at the Chief's blessing to work hand in hand with the vigilantes, though. That was the last thing he had expected. He didn't think Chief Munson knew they had teamed up, but he guessed it hadn't been difficult to figure out. After all, Chief Munson was a detective himself once upon a day.

They returned to their desks to discuss the next move.


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A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें