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  In an unbalanced world where evil by far outweighs good, Mother Nature has made one last stand for human kind. A select few are born with super-human abilities. The abilities vary as much as the people who possess them, but each stems from either the mind or from physical strength. Some are a combination of both.

These specially evolved humans have banded together in large cities throughout the world to form teams of vigilantes. They pick up where the police fall short. They clean up what no one else deems to notice. They fight to restore balance to our corrupted world. To take us down an alternate path that won't lead to our demise.

Evil spreads by forcing its way. By raping and pillaging it grows stronger. Good is patient and waits to be invited. It isn't any wonder that our species has grown greedy and selfish. While there is strength in righteousness and kindness, it has stood little chance in spreading to keep up with greed, selfishness, and pride

Our unwillingness to see the error of our ways has brought our world to a state of pain and sadness. Big corporations, banks, the governments of every country, Wall Street predators, and yes... organized religion... Nothing seems able to satiate their lust for wealth and power. They pay their way through evil deeds and acts of tyranny, enslavement, and even murdere. They are excused of their crimes, untouchable because the money gained by these evil acts lines the pockets of those who could bring them to justice.

However, there are good people left. Innocent souls that need hope. They need protection. They need heroes. The heroes of our story fight for what is left of the goodness mankind possesses. They come together to bring peace. They come together to bring retribution. Because of these heroes, the darkness of the future is dispelled by the light of possibility.

You will meet a girl who can make it snow, a woman who has "the sight" or psychic abilities, a boy who can make plants grow, a girl who does amazing things with ropes, a man who can manipulate energy, a woman who can heat things up and heal with just her touch, a man with black skin and black wings and the sharp eyes and ears of a falcon, a woman who can call the falcon and all of his avian cousins to her aid, a futuristic and sentient A.I. car. Last but not least, you will meet Father Time.

This story will make you laugh in one chapter and then break your heart in the next only to cause you to rejoice in sweet victory in the one after that. For all of you superhero nerds out there, take a ride with the queen nerd herself as she unravels the second half of Don't Be a Hero. A Time to Die.


Jackson felt rested when he woke up. He jumped out of bed and hit the shower. There was a lot to be done. The recent bust they had pulled off was going to keep him busy for some time. The Russian doctor and esteemed scientist, Dr. Kodiak, was dead. So was his apprentice. Other than Jackson's own sister, Lillian, they were the only ones that he knew of with any real expertise about the experimentation that had been conducted on him. Experimentation that had been done against his will, leaving him with holes in his memory and a serious split-personality disorder.

He wasn't just Detective Jackson Wolfe anymore. He was also Father Time, trained assassin. A killer. One who woke after Jackson went to sleep. Father Time would wake to carry out self-assigned contract hits. Due to Jackson's strength of character, the "killing machine" that had been Dr. Kodiak's intention refused to kill anyone except those he deemed deserving. Those he knew were truly evil with no hope of redemption. How did he know they were truly evil?

Jackson Wolfe possessed the power to record a person's memories, both past and future, simply by touching them. Due to the experimental surgical procedures performed by Dr. Kodiak, only Father Time could access the information. Whoever Jackson came into contact with, Father Time knew everything about them. His judgment alone decided if they should live or die. His ability to bend time gave him the power to carry out whatever sentence he decided upon with relative ease.


Jackson rushed out of the apartment, eager to get to the station and talk to the Chief.

He stopped short when he saw the empty parking space that normally contained his truck. He looked around for a moment, and then remembered that he had given it to some guy near Salt Lake City. He drove a different vehicle now.

Just as the memories came back to him, he heard the purr of an engine and turned to watch the sleek, black, futuristic-looking car pull up in front of him. He smiled to himself. 

The door to the driver's side opened automatically and he got in.

"Greetings Detective Wolfe," the mechanical sounding voice said.

"I told you to just call me Jackson."

"As you wish, sir. I trust you slept well?"

"I'm assuming my darker half brought us home last night and we both slept... so, yeah."

"To the station then?"

"You got it."

The engine purred and they headed in the direction of the police station. Jackson sat back. He was happy to leave the stress of the morning commute in the capable hands of his trusty "steed". He had to admit, the car drove better than any human he had ever ridden with.

The car was not made of the average fiberglass and steel most vehicles consisted of. It was made of a material that most people had no idea existed. It was bullet-proof and provided protection from any kind of impact, no matter how intense. Jackson wondered if it could even withstand a nuclear explosion.

He had a feeling that it could.

He fiddled with the controls for the rest of the commute to the station.

(A/N: Please don't forget to vote!)

A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2Where stories live. Discover now