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"What?" Vivian heard Natasha's husky voice as she came through the doorway of the conference room. She was just in time to see her towering over Lillian, hands clenched into fists at her sides, her face twisted in anger. "Why?"

Lillian stood her ground. "I need more time. Now, either you can stay here, or you can do without it during this trip!"

"So you are telling me that everyone else will be...."

"Whoa, whoa, Tasha!" Vivian strode over to the two women, neither of whom seemed ready to give even an inch. "What the hell are you doing?"

Eyes full of storm clouds turned their fury in her direction. Vivian didn't even flinch as she reached the other two women and placed her fists on either hip, glaring at Natasha.

"She can't fix it! I'll be the only one without a crystal! This is no coincidence! She did it on purpose!" Natasha pointed behind her in Lillian's direction. She glared at Vivian who, of course, was quite used to these outbursts.

Vivian's calm, green eyes flicked over to Lillian almost imperceptibly, before pinning Natasha in her place.

"Zip it," she said firmly.

Natasha huffed and started to sputter, but Vivian didn't budge.

"If you want people to help you, you had better learn how to show them a little respect and gratitude." She gazed at the taller woman. She showed no anger. She showed no fear. She showed no weakness.

"I don't know what you are blabbing about, but if you think for one second that I am going to be the only..."

"Then you may stay home and sit on your ass, Natasha."

"This isn't fair! Why am I the only one who this happened to? It's sabotage!"

"Your little tantrums and accusations are going to change nothing. They only succeed in making you look like a spoiled little brat. I suggest you apologize to Dr. Wolfe, accept what she has to tell you, and then get your ass ready to go so that you don't wind up getting left behind."

"What's the problem?" It was Anthony's cheerful voice. Vivian turned around and smiled at him.

"Oh, there's no problem," she replied, putting a lighter note in her tone. "Natasha's a bit disappointed because her crystal didn't install properly and she has to do without one this trip. She was just telling Dr. Wolfe that she understands and is grateful to her for her efforts in getting us all connected in such a unique and amazing way, and she can't wait until she is able to use one, too."

"Ahh!" He smiled over Vivian's shoulder at Natasha and then at Lillian. "Well, we'll improvise! Tasha, you'll always be with another team member this trip, anyways, because you're pretty new. I wouldn't have allowed you to go anywhere alone, so it's not a big deal. Everything will work out just fine."

Vivian turned back around and fixed Natasha with another unwavering stare. Lillian just continued to lean on the conference table, her arms folded casually over her chest. An amused twinkle had appeared in her eyes, again making her look uncannily like her brother.

Natasha visibly gulped back her anger. It was obvious that she didn't want to screw up and be told that she had to stay home. She straightened her shoulders, tossed her long, dark hair over her shoulder, and with a curt nod in Anthony's direction, she headed for the door.

"I'll be ready in five minutes," she called over her shoulder and then she was gone.

Vivian turned to Lillian and smiled apologetically. "She takes some getting used to."

"Oh, I can certainly see that!" Lillian laughed. "She doesn't scare me, though. I have a feeling she's mostly bark and no bite. Well, unless she finds herself up against a real enemy. I can see her kicking some serious ass, then."

A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2Where stories live. Discover now