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                Delilah's POV
I thought I was going crazy. Everything had to be right. And today was one of the most important days of my life. I let Sam to help me with it, but I didn't want her spending money, and once again she thought ahead of me. She had everything ready. I was going to propose to Jessica today. It had been a few months and now it was March. She would be taken to the park because she had Jade. And then she would walk in through the front door of the first restaurant we went to together and I would come out and ask her. It would be a night to remember. She's been out lately hanging with her mom so, it was perfect for me to plan.
Jessica's POV
Today was the day. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I was supposed to take care of Jade but I left her with my dad. Because he was off today. My mom was helping me for a special event. I asked her to be my girlfriend so now I would ask her to be my wife. Delilah was going to love the way I set this up. I would enter through the front door and have her enter through the back. So she couldn't see anything I prepared inside. We would be happy forever. My speech I thought about what I was going to say but I didn't write something down and memorize it. So I guess you could say I'm gonna make it up on the spot. But I bet I'll still make it good, hopefully. Anyway now I had to go get my mom to make sure everything was going as planned. I haven't seen the restaurant yet, and my mom won't let me see it until it's time for me to ask Delilah.

                      Delilah's POV
"I am so nervous. What if she isn't ready?-"
"Hey! You're fine, you'll do great and your both going to invite me right?" Sam asked
"I mean you helped set up, so why wouldn't you be there to actually see it."
"The wedding, not the proposal. Although yes I will be there." She explained.
"Ohh. Well you'll be invited if she says yes."
I said, a bit ashamed because I made myself look dumb.
"Don't worry she loves you too much to break your heart."
"But I don't want her to say yes because she doesn't want to break my heart I want her to say yes because she loves me and she wants to live the rest of her life with me." I stated.
"Oh Delilah, that's not what I meant. She will say yes because she loves you more than you know. If she didn't you'd be a single mom."
"You're right." I agreed.
"Well then you better go get ready." Sam said to me as I went to my room.
I picked out my Black and White dress I had been hiding from Jessica and I wore some new black heels. The dress was more black than white though.
I got inside Sam's car and we went to pick up the ring I had said I was buying. It was one of a kind. So I bought before anyone else could. It was beautiful too.

Jessica's POV
I Walked out of my old room in my moms house and walked through the door to her room. I was wearing a White and Black dress with some white heels. My hair was straightened and I had the necklace Delilah gave me.
"Oh my gosh! Jess, baby you look amazing!" My mom squealed when she saw my outfit.
"Thanks mom. I'm kind of nervous though."
"Well I can't give you the best advice because well I never proposed to someone else but I'm sure Delilah will gladly say yes."
"If you say so."
I got in the car and headed down to the restaurant.
I was so nervous although I knew Delilah loved me. It's just was she ready to spend the rest of her life with someone else? She already had a kid. Well we had a kid. Jade was 4 months old now, so I want to get married before she is old enough to question about her father. Who I couldn't give any information about because I didn't even know who he was. Delilah would have to be comfortable and ready to tell Jade at a certain age when she can understand and comprehend it. I walked out of the car and towards the door. With the small box in my hand. The windows were covered with designs so I couldn't even see inside. I was so excited and nervous at the same time.

Delilah's POV
When I got to the restaurant I tried looking through a window to make sure they did everything right but I couldn't see anything inside. I waited at the back doors for them to tell me Jess was in he building. There was music that was supposed to play while I walked in.
Jessica's POV
I waited for Sam to come out and tell me Delilah was in the restaurant so I could walk in. There was going to be music playing while I walked in.

Delilah's POV
I was giving the signal that Jess was in the building.
I pushed open the doors.
Jessica's POV
(Btw this is happening at the same time)
Sam told me Delilah was in and I opened the doors.

Sam's POV
It was so funny. We planned this whole thing. Jess's mom and I would help one of the girls and they would both ask each other the same question. They of course didn't know but we though it would be cute. They both walked in at the same time, as planned and their faces were priceless.
"Jess?" Delilah asked confused to as why they were both dressed for the same event.
"Delilah?" Jess asked thinking the same thing.
I gave Delilah the look to just ask her now and Jess's mom did the same look to Jess. The music was playing and I sat next to Jess's mom recording.
"I didn't know they were going to wear like the same clothes." I said.
"Neither did I." She giggled.
We kept watching as Jess and Delilah both got on one knee.
"Wait you're proposing?" Jess asked Delilah
" you're proposing?" Delilah asked.
"Well um this was not supposed to happen." Jess mumbled.
"Unexpected!" Delilah agreed.
"Just ask!" Jess's mom said.
J: Jessica
D: Delilah
J: "Delilah,
D: "Jessica,
J: "would you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?"
D: "would you make me the luckiest woman alive and marry me?"
D & J "Yes."
They both giggled before giving each other quite a kiss. I couldn't wait for the wedding.
I went and got Jade and brought her to her parents.
"Guess who's up!" I said as I carried Jade to Delilah.
She took Jade in her arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey baby girl. How did you sleep?" She smiled as she spoke because she knew Jade couldn't even speak yet.
Jessica's POV
I walked back to the booth where Delilah and Jade were sitting. I brought water and some cake for the both of us. I was already wearing my ring and she was wearing hers. On the ring Delilah's name was engraved in it and on Delilah's ring my name was engraved in it. Sam and my mom thought it was cute so they didn't disagree with us doing it.
"Babe, can you take Jade, necessito ir al baño." (I need to use the bathroom) Delilah said. She went from English to Spanish in one sentence. I don't know why but she hearing her speak in Spanish made me love her even more which I didn't think was possible, because I loved her more than anything. I grabbed Jade and watched her quickly walk to the restroom. Jade is going to be just like her mother when she gets older. I could tell. She's going to be beautiful, just like her mother. No I'm not talking about my self right now, even though I'm gorgeous! Anyway I was talking about Delilah. She could probably get anything she wants with those green eyes. I used it to my advantage, sometimes. I don't do often now. Just here and there, so like a free times every few months. The. Delilah walked back to the booth. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as she sat down next to me.
"So what are we going it do for her birthday?"
I ask.
"It's only March, her birthday is in November!?" Delilah said to me like I was crazy. But not a bad crazy. It was weird but cute.
"Hey time flies." I smiled.

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