Please Say Yes

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Jessica's POV
I woke up around 6:00. I wrote a whole scavenger hunt for when Delilah wakes up. First she had to walk down to the dress shop where the employee at the cashier would hand her a slip of paper. Then the paper would tell her to walk to diner and eat breakfast. I had payed earlier and everyone in the restaurant knew the plan. Instead of handing her a check they would hand her a slip of paper telling her to head to the parking lot in front of GIANT. Then she would be picked up in a black SUV and they would drive her to the park. That's where I would be waiting with a a small red box that had a necklace inside. No I wasn't asking her to marry me, but hopefully one day. But not today. I wasn't ready. I was just asking her to be my girlfriend. Yes I said girlfriend. I was wearing a short dress and some heels. I'm hoping she wore the clothes I put out for her. It said to wear them in he note, but if she didn't whatever. Clothes wasn't worrying me. When the SUV arrived my mother cued the music. It was"Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. She walked out of the vehicle with a blind fold. I walked up to her and bent down on one knee. I know, I know, sounds like a proposal, but it wasn't I swear. The driver took the blind fold off of Delilah's eyes. Her face was so beautiful. She wore the dress I had put out for her. Good thing she had matching heels because that would have made me taller than unweeded to be. Tears went down her face and a smile spread across both our faces.
"Delilah. I haven't known you all my life. In fact not even a majority of it, but it feels like I've known you forever. I don't just like you but I love you, and I fell like o don't say that to you enough. My house is your house until the day God sets us apart and I'm really hoping he doesn't, cuz I'll die without you. I was miserable and then I met you and living life with joy every time I see you, hear you, even holding you in my arms. I think about you and smile. So now I only ask that you do one thing. You are the young lady I will forever love and even if you don't agree I will give this necklace to you, representing our friendship. So Delilah Lauren Rodriguez, will you make me the happiest person alive and be my girlfriend?" I stood waiting. That speech took a lot of time to memorize. Now I awaited for an answer. In my head I was begging her please say yes, please say yes. I knelt there still waiting but I have her time considering she was crying tears of joy. She grabbed my hands and lifted me up. Then she pulled me in a tight hug and connected our lips.
"Forever and always." She said.
"Forever and always." I repeated. I'm guessing that was a yes.
A/N I just re read to try and update and noticed that Forever and Always Ishtar name of a book. I didn't I intentionally mean to do that :///
"Okay so is that a yes or not." I heard my mom say coming out from behind the bush with the speaker.
"Yes!" Delilah said gladly. No hesitation, and I'm glad because if she did, I'd be a bit worried. Then she crashed our lips together.
"Don't think too much about it, just let it happen, we'll get through anything. Like we always do. I promise." She said. I guess she noticed I was thinking because I just stood there staring at her like she was the only person in the world. I mean she was beautiful. Her golden- brown eyes, soft pale face, and long black hair. Her smile was so cute, and she had bunny teeth with some vampire teeth. If I could I would started at her all day, but some people might say that's just plain weird. I grabbed her hand and we went back to the SUV. We drive back to my house. I could see the sparkle from her necklace as the sunlight hit against it. I would say I saw it from her eyes but she had sun glasses on. We went to my room and I helped her unpack the laundry that we washed. Everybody sat in the living room and we played card games and watched movies until 8. I went to the kitchen to grab drinks and Delilah came along.
"Let's go upstairs." Delilah whispered.
I put the drinks down and nodded my head. She took my hand and led towards her room. For the first time we hung out in her room(in my house). I was tired so I probably was gonna go to bed around 10. Pizza was on its way so I needed to stay up for it.
"So now that we are dating, I have a present for you."
I did not see that coming.
"Really? For me?"
"Yeah I mean I don't think there's any one else in this room was talking to." She said playing with me.
I just playfully rolled my eyes and watched as she pulled out a bag. I opened it it carefully. It was a silver necklace. The charm had a J on it in diamonds.
"It's- it's beautiful." I said smiling.
"Now we have matching necklaces, but let's switch."
"What?" I asked surprised.
" So everyone knows you belong to me and I belong to you." She said. The she smiled at me.
"That would be great." I handed her the necklace and she handed me hers. We helped each other put on the necklaces. Then I gave her a soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you" I whispered in to her ear.
"I love you too." She said. We kept kissing and it was slow and passionate. Our bodies moved together and our lips were like two puzzle pieces meant to be put together.
It was now 9:00. I was now exhausted. I went and took a shower and got in my PJs. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. Delilah just let hers loose. It was around 9:30 and I grabbed my phone and headed towards the door.
"Wait Jess." She called for me. She was already in her bed.
"Can you stay with me?" She asked
"Of course." I walked over to Delilah's bed and later next to her. I pulled the sheet over us. She laid on my chest as I played with her hair.
"Thank you" she said before going to sleep.
"Anytime" I placed a kiss on her forehead and went to sleep.

So far I think I'm doing pretty well. Sorry for my grammar mistakes. I was trying to get this done quick so it was available for you guys to read. Please comment for feedback or what you thought Of this chapter.

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