Novemeber 17

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We rushed her into the hospital and the doctors helped her into the room.
"Jess! Don't leave! Please stay with me!"
She yelled, like there was no tomorrow. I held her hand tightly as they hooked up machines and grabbed tools. I had to be ready, today was a very important day. The day my life would change.
"Okay, you're ready. Delilah on the count of three I need you to push okay?"
She was screaming in pain. She looked so tired and sore.
"Babe? Five minutes of pain is worth a lifetime of happiness." I required from a show I recently watched. (Jane The Virgin)
"Delilah ready? One, two, three"
I'm not going to go into detail of what happened so we will just skip to when the baby arrived. Delilah was still holding my hand, which was white from her squeezing it tightly but she stopped squeezing and let loose.
Tears were pouring down her face. And I smiled at her.
"You're okay, you're all done." I kissed her forehead and waited for the doctor to come with the baby.
"She's quite the charm." The doctor said.
And I believe him. She was so beautiful and she had dark brown hair. She had green eyes, which she inherited I'm guessing from that guy because Delilah didn't have green eyes. But someone could've easily said it was my child, since I had green eyes.
Delilah took their baby in her arms.
"So what's her name?" The doc asked.
I looked at Delilah and she looked at me. We both spoke at the same time.
D: "Jade Sanchez
J: Jade Rodriguez
We both used each others last names. Which I didn't expect. I thought we were taking her last name.
"That's beautiful, but you may want to decide on what last name to use." He chuckled.
"So is there a nickname you're going to give her?"
"Jay." I said, we hadn't even discussed a nickname because well I don't think the hats something you talk about. But it just came out my mouth and I was too late to think about because I had already said it.
But Delilah smiled at me, like if she were to say " I like it and I honk she will too."
"Well you will be able to leave in a week or so, but from there on, enjoy being with Jade. They grow quick." And with that the doctor left.
I sat down on beside Delilah and she handed me Jade.
"She's beautiful, just like her mother." I said.
"But there's something weird." Delilah said.
"And what is that?" I asked confused.
"She has green eyes. And the guy had brown eyes."
"It must have been a gift from God, because now she has a trait I have. Which makes her more my daughter than his." I stated.
"I'm glad you're okay with all of this." She smiled
"Oh by the way we're taking your last name." I said.
"Oh by the way I forgot to tell you how I got Jade. It's a representation of our love. Jessica And Delilah Everytime."
Every time was two words but it was sweet so I just loved it more.
"That's so cute! I love you Laur!"
Ok now I'm just used to calling her Laur. It's not even her first name. But she didn't mind.
"Love you too Tay." She said and smirked.
How did she know my middle name? Well it's Taylor but I hadn't told her.
"Ho-How did you know my middle name?"
"Your mom and I speak, you know?"
I gave her a face that was saying. Wow really?
"Hey it's fair now, you knew mine and you call me Laur, so I should be able to know yours and call you Tay."
I kissed her lips softly and placed Jade back in her hands. I would always and forever remember this day. It was one to remember. It definitely overruled the worse sayid my life. By now I just had a small scar above my eye like right on my eyebrow, but it wasn't noticeable. I also forgot to remember to tell you when she was born. At 10:16 which is when I was born. Delilah was born at 10:17, coincidentally. I couldn't believe it when she told me. I still remember everything she said about me, because how could I forget she was in my head even when she was right next to me. For example right now I was thinking about how I was going to ask her to marry me in the future. We already had a family. But now it was late so I let her get her sleep while I went home. I also had to go so I could baby proof the house. As soon as I got home I went to get some items I bought but I couldn't find them.
"Oh hey, sweetie" I heard my mom say while she walked into my room.
"Hey have you seen my supplies, for he baby proofing."
"Oh yeah I returned it because you don't live here."
"Wh-What?" Was my mom kicking me out.
"Mom this isn't a good time we just had a kid." Tears were about to start pouring down my face.
"Don't cry I'm not kicking you out, well I'm not trying but Your grandfather gave a trust fund to Sam and she bought you a house a few minutes away from here. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house is perfect for you and your family."
"But what about you?"
"I'll be fine, you were bound to move out soon anyway. You're an adult, plus if you need anyone to talk to I'm here just 5 minutes away."
"I love you mom. Thank you!"
I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
"Hey it's not me you have to say thank you to. Now go on and get everything over there before she gets out." I quickly went to pack the clothes but there wasn't anything in my drawers.
"Oh I packed your clothes and put them in the house already. And no need to take any furniture the house is filled with furniture placed where they need to go. The house is fully paid for so don't worry about rent or any of that crap. We built it."
"Oh my goodness. I have to thank Sam. How can I return the favor."
"She said it would mean the world if you lived there and started your family there." My mom said and then she left. I took some hygienic things, pictures, and any other things left behind that were ours.
I was walking out the door but then I remembered I forgot something. I ran back upstairs and went under my bed. There was a box of videos and pictures since Delilah and I met. Then there was a box. A black box with a golden line running through the middle. It had a small white bow. It was the ring I was planning to give to Delilah. Not today but in the future. I saw it and it was really nice, one of a kind so I bought it before anyone else could. I looked at it one more time before putting it back in the bald and running back downstairs.
"Bye mom. I'll come and visit every month, weekend. Whatever the time is. You can even babysit." I have her a hug and a kiss. And I was on my way. I went to check the house just to see where I was going to stay. And let me tell you it was perfect. There was a park across the street and there was a good amount of space between each house. The neighbors were really nice and there weren't many kids. Inside the house was like the dream house I had once told Sam about but I don't know how she remembered, I was like 12. Jades room was pick with designs on the bottom top and center of the wall. There were quotes that were inspirational and pictures of me, Delilah, and Jade. I mean she was just born how did she have a picture? There was a crib, a baby changing area, a rocking chair. Drawers with clothes, and a mat with toys for her to play with when she got older. And last a bathroom. It had a small toilet, for when she was potty trained. There was a not that read:
Dear Jess,
When Jade gets older, I payed for a toilet to be installed. A bigger one, so she wouldn't be sitting in this small one for the rest of her life. The constructor should come in about 6-8 years to ask if you want it changed. I hope you enjoy this house. I know it's your dream house. Not to far from family and perfect for you and your family. I hope Jade and Delilah love this house as much as I know you would. Don't need to pay me back, I got you. Family sticks together. Now go get yo girl and make her family.
Love, Sam

Sam is the best person in the world. The room was perfect. I loved Sam so much. She has always been my idol. I went to the "parents" (Delilah and I) room and I almost cried. It was so detailed. She had always been one for art and that's how I know how to draw. The room was a nice blue. Wasn't too dark or too light. There was a bed placed dead center with drawers filled with clothes on each side. There was a small chest with cushioned tops and a TV on the wall in front of it. The bed had white silk sheets and Blue silk covers. The bed frame was white with blue designs painted on. There was a bathroom connected and it was a large bathroom. I could've had a party of like 20 people in it. There were two sinks, one toilet, a shower big enough for two. I could tell she thought about that one. There was a stage with a bath tub and shelves in he corners. The bathroom was white tile on the floor and half the wall and the the other half was pink. I could spend all day telling someone about how great the house is but, I think they'd get it. By the time I finished touring the house I was so tired. I went to sleep in my new room.

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