Bad Days

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It had been at least 8 months since I he asked Delilah to be my girlfriend. Everything was great. We were just walking back from the super market. It was around 10:00 and my mom asked me to grab some ice cream. We were having a little girls night and my mom forgot to get the ice cream so I would go with Delilah and get the ice cream while she got the other supplies. She didn't say exactly what she went to get. We walked down an alley with dim street lights.

I was walking hand in hand with Delilah. All I remember from what happened next was a white towel was placed over my face and I blacked out. I woke up in a cold chair. My hands and feet were tied really tight. My phone was in my pocket but I couldn't reach it. I heard voices in the room next door. I didn't know where Delilah was or if she got away. My necklace was still on, so I had something to remind me of her, although I could see it that well.
"Help! Someone help me!" I screamed trying to get the attention of the people next door.
"Well, well, well. She has awaken. How you feeling?"
It wasn't, no, it couldn't have been. He turned towards me. So I could see his face. It was him. Josh. Delilah's dad's friend.
"What do you want?" I mumbled.
"Well I have his job and it deals with a friend of yours. She needs to pay for what she's done."
"She didn't do anything wrong. She hasn't done anything to you!" I yelled back.
"Listen, it's not about me. It's not what she's done to me. I am just working here."
"No please! Help! Somebody help! JESS!" I heard Delilah screaming for me but I couldn't help her I couldn't move. She was screaming in pain.
"Well our job is almost done." Josh said as he smirked.
"Please don't kill her make them stop. Make them stop!!!" I demanded with tears pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall.
"Don't worry she isn't going to die, but this may ruin her life, forever. Which is the point. If it didn't work you may see me again."
I heard crying from the next room. I knew who it was. My girlfriend, the one who I promised to keep safe. She trusted me. I was right next door and I didn't do anything.
"I don't want to see you! EVER! And if this has to do anything with her father there is going be a problem."
"Listen you won't even remember us talking after I drug you. You will only remember sitting hear listening to your friend over there screaming for help, when you couldn't save her and a man talking to you. The man which is me, will be remembered like if you never saw him. That is if this drug works and the doc said it had. 96 percent chance of working."
"Wait a doctor is helping you?"
"Not a doctor that works in a hospital. We aren't idiots. He's a special doctor for out business. We can't afford to be telling other people." He said confidently.
"So you though it was a good idea to not worry about the 4 percent and tell me? That's not being an idiot sure." I said
"Well it won't matter anyway. It gives me another reason to want to kill you." He smiled and grabbed a towel.
"Wait before you do it. Count so I'm ready,please?" I don't know why I asked, but I was scared. My heart could beat out if my chest at any moment and plus being caught by surprise was way worse.
"Fine I don't know why you insist but, I think I've done enough damage on one person today.
The needle is in. I'm putting the liquid in 3...2...1. Okay Jessica, Goodnight."
My eyes suddenly felt heavy. The room became dark and my eyes were slowly closing and opening. I saw Josh come towards me and start untying the rope from my hands. Then my eyes closed and this time they stayed shut.
... Waking up
I woke up and some things across the room were blurry but as I got up it got clearer. My wrists hurt from how tight the ropes were and my throat was so dry. The room was empty, I wasn't even in a chair I was lying on the floor. The grey and brown dirty, filthy floor.
"Help! Please somebody help me. Can anybody hear me? Anyone?" I heard Delilah speaking. I quickly ran over to her room. It was nice to hear her voice again. The door was closed shut but I found the keys. I ran to Delilah who was naked, tied to a small twin bed. Let me just say it did not look comfortable. She turned her head to face me. This wasn't how I expected to see her naked my first time. But that didn't matter right now. I grabbed the scissors of the floor and cut the ropes. She was in my arms crying.
"It's okay. I'm here. We're safe. It's gonna be okay." I said trying to sound brave. She was crying so much. Her eyes filled with pain and anger.
"We need to get out of here." I took off my sweater and wrapped it around her. I took the sweatpants that had some small holes, put them on and gave her mine. I carried her out into the middle of nowhere. That's right I walked out of the place and I had no idea where we were. I had never been to this part of town and I see why. Garbage was everywhere. People were begging for money and selling drugs. Smoking, digging in trash and sleeping in boxes. I carried Delilah, down the streets pretending like I knew where I was going.
"Stop, please stop." Delilah asked hesitant to speak.
I stopped without a question. I put her down on her feet. She still had her boots on so she wasn't that cold. She dropped slowly to her knees.
"I'm not going to ask what's wrong because so many things are wrong right now. I would ask what happened but I don't think I'm ready to know and I don't know if your ready to share that. But what I do know is that we need to get moving before something else happens. We need to get out of here and report to the police." I lifted her up. She had a scared look on her face. But this one was different it was a look of being worried but not by what's coming up what was happening.
"What?" I asked her. She was staring at me not knowing what to do.
"Y-your face. It's-its cut. And it's bleeding. You have a black eye. And your lip is busted. Wh-what did they do!"
I didn't even realize. I thought they just took me there to suffer. I didn't know they hurt me although that would explain the throbbing pain in my thigh. I still just picked Delilah up and varied her towards the nearest restaurant. Which wasn't close but when I found one we sat in the back booth. I asked the lady where we were and of course she looked at me like I was crazy. She told me the direction to where I was headed and we left. We found a man who was willing to lend us his phone and I called my mom.
"Hey, where have you guys been. I was worried so much yesterday. Everything alright?."
"No I need you come pick us up." I told her where we were and she hung up and drove down.

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