Hanging Out

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I searched and searched but I couldn't find it. I ran downstairs to the laundry room and checked the clean baskets.
"Ugh. If the basket is clean why doesn't my mother bring it to my room." I mumbled to myself as I ran upstairs with my white crop top in my hands. It had Dope written in cursive on the front. I grabbed my converse and high waisted, blue, ripped Jeans. I put on my converse and Jeans, grabbed my phone off the drawer and plopped down on my bed. I slowly typed in Delilah's number and texted her. Wondering if this was a real number or like a restaurant number for a prank.
Text:  J -Jessica.    D-Delilah

J:  hey it's Jessica, what's your address.

D: Hey I thought you weren't coming it's already 5:20.

J: Oh no don't worry I just don't know where you live. :D

D: lol sorry bout that I totally forgot.  1326 Jersey Road

J: Oh I could leave at 5:50 and still get there at 6:00

D: really you live close by?!!

J: yeah I walk down that street sometimes to go to the park

D: oh cool well I have to set things up so
see ya later😜

J: K cya soon😜

(End of Text)

I finished doing my hair and I told my mom I was leaving. It was only 5:40 so I still had time but I had to make sure my car was looking ok in cases he wanted to go for a drive. My mom told me to take clothes to sleep over because she wasn't going to be here when she gets back. I was used to it though. I'd come home on the weekend and she wouldn't be here. This weekend she was going upstate for her job so I was home alone. I had to ask Delilah now if I could sleep over although I had only known her for about an hour.

J: hey...um I was wondering if I could sleepover cuz my mom is going away and she doesn't want me by myself this weekend... For some reason?

D: oh sure my parents won't mind 😀

J: Thanks, I didn't think you'd respond so quick but I'm on my way.
Text Ended

I quickly ran out the door with my bag full of things for a sleepover. I drove in my car and I was listening to Beyoncé, Fifth Harmony, Demi Lovato, Rihanna, and Justin Bieber. That's what was in my radio most of the time. I got to Delilah's house around 5:57( not surprising, considering the speed I was going.) and walked to her door.  Her house was beautiful. It was made out of white stone and looked like it was  3 floors high. I could see her living room(or whatever it was) through the window. I knocked on the door hesitantly and waited for someone to answer.  Then Delilah's mom opened the door. I'm assuming it was her mom, I don't know if she had any siblings.
"Hello, you must be Jessica! Delilah has told me a lot about you."
A lot about me huh? That's weird considering we just met. I just smiled and greeted her mother politely. She invited me and and said that Delilah would come down in 5minutes or so. I waited on the couch and watched Ellen.
Her mom went upstairs and I could hear her talking to Delilah from behind the door.
The conversation M:Mom. D:Delilah

M: Hey Delilah your father and I are going out and we're staying at a hotel so you can order pizza. I left money on the table.

D: okay I'll be out soon

M: oh and Jessica is here she's waiting downstairs so hurry up

D: oh I'm coming
Conversation ended

I heard them coming back downstairs and pretended like I wasn't just ease dropping.
"Hey Jess, what's up?"
Her raspy voice echoed as she made her way down the stairs.
"Nothing much, just about to chill with a friend of mine . How bout you?" I giggled a little as I waited for her response.
"Oh lucky who's this friend, I want to meet 'em!" She replied as she laughed with a wide smile.
"Well you ladies have fun."
"And don't get into trouble." Her parents said as they left the house.
Delilah sat next to me after getting the popcorn from the microwave. I grabbed the remote and handed to her. She grabbed the remote slightly rubbing our hands together. Sparks flew. No one has ever made me feel this way. I don't know why she was so different, but I didn't mind it. But then again I did because I had literally just met this girl. It was probably nothing to her anyway.
"So what do you want to watch... We have Finding Nemo, Me before you,  the Shallows-"
"How about we get to know each other first!" I interrupted shocked by what I had just said.
"Okay you wanna start?" She asked unsure whether or not she wanted to talk.
"So my name is Jessica Sanchez as you know. I am 18 years old and I am "5.6". My favorite color is blue and my favorite song right now is Work by Rihanna." I couldn't tell her my whole life story is a few short moments so decided to say a few facts about me.
"Your turn!" I said, noticing she hasn't spoken yet.
"Oh right. Okay..."
"My name is No, My sign is No, My number is No"
She laughed, leaning backwards in to cushion of the couch. I couldn't help but laugh, not expecting that because at the moment she was a bit shy. Although she was playing around you could tell that she knows how to sing. I like singing but I'm not the type to sing in public.
"Okay No nice meeting you but I want to know Delilah."  I responded.
"You're too much." She said.  I be only known her for 2 hrs and it felt like she was best friend since birth. Okay maybe not birth but a long time.
"My name is Delilah Lauren Rodriguez. I am also 18 and my favorite song right now is Dope by Fifth Harmony... Um what else was there?"  The girl likes Fifth Harmony! Well music won't be a problem for us. I listen to them all the time.they are something else. And you can't get bored of 'em...
"Well I said my height and favorite color but I guess it doesn't matter now anyways."
"No yes it does, you want to know who I am. Don't you?" She pleaded desperately wanting to share.
"Okay continue!" I responded
"My favorite color is red and I am "5.4" "
"And a half"she mumbled, but I heard her enough to respond
" Really? And a half?"
She struck back by saying
"Hey when your shorter every inch, half inch or even quarter inch counts." She said smiling.
"Whatever you say shortie!" I said teasing her. We already had nicknames for each other, which made me feel closer to her.
We talked and played games until it was 11:37 pm. We walked upstairs to her bedroom so we could get ready for bed. I took a shower and my PJs on. Her bed was big enough for both of us so she insisted that we sleep there instead of me on the floor. I was looking around the room when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Goodnight, Jess!"
I wanted to hold her in my arms the whole night, I wanted to be more than friends, I wanted her to like me, I wanted to tell her that I liked her but I couldn't.  I couldn't, I barely knew the girl and she had me wrapped around her finger. I had to make sure I knew she had the slightest bit of love for me. When they say it was love at first sight I would have never imagined it to be like this. She snuggled up next to me and fell fast asleep.
"Good night Shortie!" I whispered, smelling the mango-orange scent coming from her hair. I didn't know why but I smiled,and then fell asleep.

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