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We went to the doctors office around 8:00. Our doctor was Doctor. Rivers. She was very nice. She wasn't only being a doctor but a friend. She had conversations with us and that is why I took Delilah to her. She was one of the best doctors in town.

In the room of the hospital
Delilah asked for my mom and I to leave the room while she got changed into the gown. While we were waiting outside the doctor went in. I didn't tell her Delilah was getting changed because well she was a doctor, so it wouldn't really matter, I guess.
Delilah's POV
I sat on the bed after I put my gown on, then the doc walked in.
"Hey. I'm Diana Rivers. How are you today?" She asked.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Delilah. I'm fine how about you?" I replied.
"I'm great! Thanks for asking. So what's up?"
"Well I've been feeling a little sick. They say it might be a fever but my temperature was 98.6"
"Hm. Well let's start with that."
She checked my temperature and said that I looked like I was good. She said it might have been something I ate. But then I remembered this happened to my aunt when I stayed with her for a week. She was pregnant but I haven't had sex- but I was raped and I don't think they used any protection. Shit!
"Um would you happen to have those pregnancy tests thingies." I don't know what they were called because well I never had sex. Hello? Why would I need them?
"Are you saying that you recently..."
"No I uh- I. I was raped." I said quickly.
"Oh my. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Um well let me get one for you. Do you know how to use it?"
"Yeah. Just pee on a stick. It isn't that hard. Oh ad if I am could you please not tell them. I'd like to say it myself another time."
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
I walked into the bathroom and opened the box. I took one out drank some water and peed on the tip of the stick. And of course it tested positive. I was intact pregnant. I couldn't believe it. What would Jessica think. What if she leaves me. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't tell her now. I walked out of the bathroom and Jess, Diana, and Jessica's mom were sitting in the room talking.
"Oh you can put your clothes back on. It may have just been a food sickness." She said as she smiled at me.
"I'll put this in the garbage can." I hinted letting her know where I put the stick. I went back in the bathroom and got changed. Boy was I in for a ride. After the appointment we went to a few stores to. Buy some coats because Jessica and I had lost ours. It was really cold outside even though it was February. Which technically it should still be cold outside. When we got home I was so tired. And it wasn't even late. It was only around 2:00, but then again I was about to start carrying a human being inside of me. I went upstairs and later in bed. Jess's mom ordered pizza. So I thought I'd watch Tv while I wait.
"Hey babe." Jess said as she crawled up next to me.
"Hey." I smiled and cuddled into her. I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't there wouldn't ever be a right time.
I freaked. I planned to tell her but then I didn't.
"I love you."
"I love you too." She said and kissed the top of my head.
30 minutes had passed and the door bell rang.
"PIZZA'S HERE!" I heard Jess's mom yell. Both Jess and I ran out of bed and sort of tumbled down the stairs. It didn't hurt but ended up on top of her at the end of the steps. She look into my eyes and then kissed my lips.
"Wow. Y'all were hungry. But for what? I don't know. Pizza...each other. Come one ya two love birds it's time to eat."
"Mom!" Jess scowled at her mom. She was being quite inappropriate. But I can't say that I haven't imagined our future.
Jessica smiled at me and I helped her up. There was one pepperoni and one cheese. I ate two slices of pep and one cheese. I was hungrier now because I was feeding two. I usually ate 2, and rarely 3, depending on how hungry I was.
"Let's watch a movie." Jess insisted.
"Okay I get armrest side." I called, but Jess was already running towards the living room. A chased her but she got there first. She sat in the seat I wanted so I just sat on top of her lap.
"You two are ridiculous. You're like two little kids."
Jess mom said as she took a seat on the other side of the couch.
I leaned back into Jess and she wrapped her arms around me. I intertwined our hands and Jess mom turned the TV on. Jess mom went to the DVD case to pick a movie. The news channel was on TV.
The News.
"So we have an interesting and devastating report. Jimmy we have a a normal day where two nineteen year olds were walking from the super market back home. Jimmy take it away."
"Yes thank you Martha."
(Jess speaking)
"MOM! We are in the news."
"What the fuck? How?"
Jess's mom sat down and we all stared at the TV.
(Back to the news)
It was reported that these two young women who are to be unnamed were physically assaulted and one raped. What a tragedy. We have a witness here to tell us his story."
Jessica's POV Btw
I couldn't believe it. It was Josh.
"Well you see jimmy. I did it for money. I know it doesn't make matters better but I never had the Intension to do this. Yes I did hate De- I mean one of the girls but I didn't plan on any of this. I know I can't say this but it was her parents. They weren't very happy that they had a daughter in the first place, they wanted a boy, and they knew she was going to be a lesbian when she was little. She hated boys and flirted with girls. She thought her parents didn't know but guess what. They always knew."
I saw tears pouring down Delilah's face. She squeezed my hand tightly. I knew she was nervous. And for the record, I don't think not saying our names did anything because they showed pictures of us separate and together. I don't exactly where they got those pictures but that's not what I had to worry about. I pressed my body against Delilah's and wiped her tears away.
"Babe? Are you okay?" I whispered in her ear. She unlocked our hands. Got up from my lap and jogged towards the bathroom cupping her face with her hands. Of course like I always do and will. I chased after her. But the door was closed in my face. I knocked on it lightly.
I didn't think that Shortie was a good name right now this was serious.
"Laur?" There it was again. I don't understand why I kept doing it. I called her by her middle name. I just didn't like calling her Lilah I guess, as a nickname. She called me Jess. I hadn't told her my middle name but back to Delilah.
"Hey it's me Jess. Please open up. I tried wiggling the knob but it was locked." So I just waited until she was ready. I heard the sink go on. I heard her lightly sobbing. My mom came firm the kitchen with a glass of water.
"Is she okay?" I could tell my mom was concerned. She had a worried look on her face. And this time it was more than just a little worried. She was scared for Delilah.
"She won't answer me." Then tears went down my face. My mom hugged me.
"Aw, sweetie. It's okay. It's not your fault. You didn't do this. Don't cry." I couldn't help it. It was my fault. If I would've just left Delilah alone in that library I wouldn't have fell in love with her, and her family would still love her. Then we heard the door knob wiggling. I turned around quickly as well as my mom. Delilah was back in my arms.
"Tell me it isn't true. Please Jess, tell me it's not real! My parents didn't do this to me!"
I wanted to tell her it was fake. Or that it was a just a dream. But I couldn't, I'd be lying. I CloudKit tell her that it wasn't true because it was and I hated it. I just frowned and pulled her close. She started crying again into my chest. It was so painful to see her like this. Why? Out of all people God has decided to pick on the one who's done the most for everyone. She hasn't done anything wrong. She is the kindest and most loyal person you'll meet. She puts everyone before herself and goes out of her way to make people just smile. I don't deserve her but I had her. Why can't you put me through this. I mean I was going through it with her but not in the same way. I was just helping, she actually suffered from it. The next thing I remember we were in bed crying ourselves to sleep. I didn't know how else to rest with the love of my life falling to pieces...

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