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This weekend went by very well. It was one of the best. I don't usually hang out with friends or do anything with anyone ever since I moved. But things were changing. Today I was actually happy to go school, which is really strange because I hate Mondays. I drove to school and parked my car. I walked into English and looked for Delilah. I didn't see her. My grin dropped when I didn't find her. The room was empty. At least it felt empty because no one important to me was in there. I took my seat and rested my head on the desk.
"Oh Delilah, you decided to join us today?"
As soon as I heard her name my head shot up from the desk. She looked embarrassed but at the same time looked like she wanted to say something back. She just sat down quietly (next to me) and pulled out her notebook.
"Why were you late?" I whispered to her.
" I was late by like 5 minutes, calm down. It happens all the time." She sounded annoyed and upset. But I didn't know what was going on. She was actually 10 minutes late but I let it slide. And the teacher said today, meaning she doesn't usually come to this class. Whatever but I still thought, we needed to talk, I needed to make sure she was alright.

"Jessica, since you are paying attention come up and answer the question on the board!"
He knew me. I could've have been lying about paying attention and he still would've picked me out. All the teachers do. I zone out and they question me.
"Miss. Sanchez, we are waiting."
I stood up and carefully walked up to the board placing the marker in my hand. I didn't know... Then again I didn't know much to begin with. I look back at Delilah who is trying to catch my attention.
She mouthed the answer and I wrote it in the board. She just got here how did she know? I trusted her anyway knowing that she was smarter than me. To me everybody was. I walked back to my seat and thanked Delilah. I could've gotten sent to the office again, or gotten detention... Again, for this shit. I didn't care for about any of my classes, so how was it that I was passing each one? I don't care anyways as long as I'm in he safe zone. For now.

Mr. Henry looked at the board shocked. I had gotten the answer right. "Well done Jessica. I am impressed!" The class then started cheering and clapping making a joke out of it.
"Alright class that's enough. Settle down."
I sat in that class for another 30 minutes with Delilah on my mind. What was she thinking? Why was she really late? I had seen her Friday and She stopped by Saturday to return my blanket that I forgot, but both days she seemed perfectly fine. Sunday I hadn't seen her and she didn't respond to my texts so something had to have happened. We walked to Biology and didn't say one word to each other. When we got in the classroom we started working on some projects for fun. Since it was the end of the year we didn't do anything for a grade. Our Biology teacher was pretty chill, but if you messed with him. Boy were you in trouble. Delilah didn't talk much and I couldn't handle not hearing her raspy voice, her laugh, or even seeing her smile. We had a 15 minute break before 3rd period so I signed both of us up for a guidance counselor meeting. I had told her the whole plan and how I wasn't actually going to the meeting, but behind the bleachers. Mrs. Torres knew me since I was little so she didn't mind if I did this one thing to help a friend. She thinks I'm so good in class, hopefully she don't stop by when I'm dozing off. I told Delilah we had somewhere to be instead of class. I handed the teacher a slip and left with Delilah holding my hand to keep up. We sat on the bleachers in silence.

" Why?" I asked not finishing my question.
"Why what?" She asked with her head down.
"Why are you acting like this. What happened. This isn't the Delilah I know."
"That's the thing you don't know me and I don't know you. My dad doesn't want me near you, my dad thinks I l-like you and I-I tried to convince him that I don't but I... I couldn't. He wants me to be the perfect daughter who knows somebody before I run away. Especially cuz your a girl. I don't understand it but he couldn't take the fact that it wasn't even a boy we were talking about, So he- he left."
Tears were pouring down her face now. I pulled her close to me and didn't let her go.
"I'm sorry." That was all I could say. I was speechless. I had almost forgot about the words she just said, She liked me? Maybe I just took it in the wrong way and so did her father but there was no reason to leave. He's such a dumb ass! Ugh now I'm getting angry over this. I just don't understand how someone could be like that!
"Th-Thank you Jess..." She sobbed lightly into my chest.
"Anything ba-...Shortie" luckily I caught it before I said babes. She didn't hear me though so I'm safe on that mess up. I walked her to the bathroom so she could wash up.

We walked to 5th period, PE. It was 3 quarters in so we didn't get to do much, thank the lord. We played a few rounds of dodgeball but I still wasn't to pleased. Coach put Delilah and I on separate teams. 6th period was lunch. We took a seat at a small table outside. Since it was hot no one went outside to eat. They all wanted air conditioning but Delilah and I just wanted space. We sat and chatted about random things. Then knowing what she was going through, I had to ask. I needed to know more, to make her feel better. I just didn't know how.
"Do you want to come over to my place? Since your mom went away for another week or two."
We sat in silence. I could tell she was thinking about if she should go home and probably cry her eyes out or come over to my house. Hopefully she chose choice number two. She was the only person I wanted to talk to. I don't invite many people to my house, not even if I'm having a party.(for school)But I didn't care right now. My room was probably a bit of a mess but it wasn't a big deal.
"I think... that would be nice." She gave a weak smile. To be honest, I almost didn't hear her because she was speaking so low.
"Okay what time do you wanna come over?"
"After school."
I just remembered I hadn't gotten myself in detention today. The teachers must've noticed my change in attitude because my grade went up for PE. Although I wasn't thinking about the game, I still played better. The rest of the day went well I was still looking forward to the end of the day, as usual. But this time it wasn't to just sleep,relax and go on my phone, but because I had guests, well a guest.

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