"Not only me, mom. Why are you so dressed up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I have another job interview today." She winks at me.

"Already?!" I ask and she nods her head, soothing down her dress with her hands.

"How do I look?" She asks, but before I have time to respond she snaps her fingers, her eyes filling with energy and joy. "Oh! That reminds me!" She says then motions for me to follow her. We go into the garage to see two cars, both Lamborghini's. One is green, and one is red. My eyes widen. 

"Is that mine?!" I ask, motioning to the red car as I gasp at what I see. She nods and hands me a set of keys. I squeal and jump up and down, then pull her into an excited hug.

The thing about mom is that she knows she can use her ability for just about anything, so why not use it to get the things she wants? She compelled the home owners into giving us this house, and probably compelled the car dealership into giving us these cars too. Mom was nowhere near rich; she just knew how to keep everyone in the palm of her hand. And if anyone disobeyed her wishes, all hell would break loose

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I rock her side to side as I hug her enthusiastically.

Once I let go, I get into the car immediately. With a deep breath, I inhale the new car scent, looking over the white leather interior and smile to myself. I haven't ever had my own car, nor have I drove a car in a couple years but I'm sure I'll do just fine. It's like riding a bike. Once you learn once, you can't just forget. 


Mom opens the garage door for me, smiling as she waves her hand. I wave back, beginning to back out of the driveway. 

"Drive safe!" She yells and I grin to myself. 

Let's see how fast this baby can go. 


When I reach school, all eyes are on me- once again. A smile spreads across my lips as I sling my bag over my shoulder after removing myself from the vehicle. I press the 'Lock' button on my keys, earning a honking sound. As people continue their stares and whispers I smirk, making my way into the school with my head held high. I see Jack sitting on a bench when I enter the building, talking to a girl with short black hair; but his lips stop moving when he looks up and sees me. He's on his feet in seconds, making his way towards me as he scans my body.

"My eyes are up here." I chuckle as I point to my eyes. His tongue traces over his bottom lip as he stares at me. 

"Hey to you too."He smirks.

"Hi," I let out energetically, my happiness from last night and this morning still fresh in my mind. He smiles.

"You look very nice today," he looks down to my outfit once again, then back into my eyes. 

"Thanks..." I laugh awkwardly. 

Though I'd only spoken to him on two other occasions, he seemed different today. Maybe it was that he was more comfortable being himself around me? I wasn't too sure.

"You want to sit with me at lunch today?" He asks and I shrug.

"I was going to sit with Callie again." I tell him, moving my bag to sit on my shoulders more comfortably. "You could sit with us if you want."

"Wait, Callie? Sterling?" His nose crinkles as if he were disgusted by the thought. "Are you serious? You're way too hot to be hanging around with her." 

Did he really just say that? 

"Don't talk about her like that!" I defend. "You don't even know her, so leave her alone." I demand sternly. 

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