"There's only one problem. I really don't know much about Quidditch. I like to watch it and all but when we're watching I'm afraid I'll say something completely stupid and he'll know I've been lying!" She panicked and I got her attention.

"Alice you didn't lie, Marlene did" I glared at her but she only shrugged. "And if you're really so worried about it then we'll help you. I just so happen to know a lot about Quidditch. Ask me any question you want"

"Ok... What's the position that protects the hoops?" She asked unsurely.

"Keepers. They make sure the other team doesn't score"

"Alright, and what's the name of the ball that flies around the field? Not the snitch... The bigger one."

"A bludger, which the beaters protect the other players from so they basically don't get knocked off their brooms and put out of the game"

"Alright, thanks, Estella. I can't really think of any other questions at the moment" she thanked me, but still looked unsure of herself.

"Don't worry, Frank told me he's more into watching Quidditch anyways, and as far as I can tell the tryouts aren't like a real game" I assured her.

"So, you think he won't really be interested in it? Oh no, what if he gets bored?!" She shrieked and all three of us calmed her down again.

"Alice really, it's going to be fine. Just be yourself. Marlene shouldn't have lied like that" now it was Lily's turn to glare at Marlene.

"Hey, I got her a date didn't I?" She defended herself.

"I would have been fine on my own" Alice grumbled and Marlene scoffed.

"You've been saying that for four years!" She accused. Alice's face turned bright red now, and she stopped talking while looking down at her food.

"Well anyways, Lily have you noticed that James is down the table, and he hasn't made a single effort to come and speak to you?" Marlene grinned and Lilly shrugged like it was no big deal.

"It's about time. This must be what it feels like to go on vacation" she laughed.

"And Estella, Sirius isn't bugging you either" Marlene brought up, staring at Sirius who was standing next to James. She sighed contently while looking at him and it made me want to throw up.

"That's a good thing, remember? Marlene, he's revolting" I shook my head at her but she didn't seem to be paying any attention, as she was still staring at Sirius.

"Hello, earth to Marlene" Lily snapped her fingers in front of her face. She finally brought her attention back to us, looking surprised because we knocked her out of her daydreaming.

"Sorry. What can I say? Bad habits die hard" she gave a small grin.

"You call your crush on Sirius a habit?" Lily asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well... a bad one. C'mon Lily you're supposed to be smart. Keep up" she joked and Lily rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, ladies I don't mean to interrupt, I'm just coming over to talk with one of my good friends" I heard a voice from beside me and I looked over to see Sirius, much to my displeasure. I guess Marlene spoke too soon. "Can I sit?" He asked me, motioning to the spot on the bench in which Frank once sat.

"I certainly hope so, just not with me" I replied and the three girls across from me laughed. Sirius rolled his eyes but sat anyways. Lily gave me a look like I was crazy because I did nothing to stop him. I didn't even ask him to leave.

"Are you going to come see me at the Quidditch tryouts later? I'll be helping James run them" he asked me, not looking at the other girls even though Marlene was basically drooling over him.

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