Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22

"Damon!" I screamed out, diving arms out in an attempt to catch him but Xavier was already there. He gripped his brother under his arms and slapped him a couple of times but Damon remained unresponsive. I felt my chest began to ache as I anxiously waited for Damon to open his eyes again but he didn't. Xavier picked his brother up completely," we have to leave, Asia, can you walk on your own?"

Asia nodded," I'm alright."

"Holly, hold her," he instructed and I immediately nodded, wrapping my fingers around Asia's arm," the wolf can wake up at any second, we have to get back to the car."

We made our back as fast as we could. Xavier laid his brother down at the back seat of the car and lifted his head whilst looking at me," get under there."

I quickly obeyed and scrambled inside, laying Damon's head softly on my lap.

Asia got into the passenger seat and Xavier drove.

"We have to get him to a hospital, we can't go home-" I began but was quickly cut off by Asia.

"We can't take him to a human hospital, they wouldn't know what to do with him, he needs a witch, a healer."

"You're a witch," I replied," can you help him?"

Asia locked eyes with Xavier and looked back at me, disappointment lacing her gaze," I haven't practised in a long time, it would take someone experienced-"

"You can try!" I snapped," or you can teach me, I'll do it."

"It doesn't work like that Holly," she continued and I wanted to scream out if I heard that phrase again.

"Reach in the glove box," I demanded," Hand me my phone."

Asia did as I said and handed me the phone that Luna had given me. I dialled her number and held it to my ear.


"Luna, it's me," she must have heard the panic in my voice because her tone grew concerned.

"Holly? Are you alright?"

"I have Damon but he's hurt-"

"What do you mean you have Damon?"

"I broke him out of prison, but he's hurt-"

"You did what?!" she exclaimed.

"I'll explain later, but he needs help right now."

"Holly I'm sorry, I-I can't help you, Dimitri is here and the last thing I need is to get on the Council's radar."

"The Council won't know, they won't find out-"

"Holly, this is the Council we're talking about."

"Please!" My voice began to tremble," he's here and he's dying, he needs a healer, I helped you out, you owe me-"

"I can't perform the Ritual of Obliteration and rescue Damon, Holly, I can't upset both the Gods and the Council-"

"So don't do it," I didn't think before I spoke the words but even if I had stopped to think about what I was asking her to do, I wouldn't have changed it," don't do the ritual, just help Damon..please."

Be Careful When You Bite MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora