Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Although the drive was long, it was ending just a little too soon. My heart grew restless and panicked and I was afraid of what to expect. Damon had said that the witch wanted to see my future and my past to determine if she would help me. What factors would cause her to decline?

I watched seemingly endless trees turn into roads premiered by mountains and finally, we entered a busy city. I recognized it as soon as we entered because I had been wanting to visit ever since I was a little girl.

New York.

Odd how the circumstances have changed.

It was almost night time but the city was still alive. Cars and pedestrians lined the roads as if one. I watched shop owners sell fruit on the streets and wondered if they had any idea about the world that exists just a few hours away.

I realized how far away from home I was and grew sick. About twenty minutes later we had reached a more quiet area and the signs above the streets read Brooklyn.

We drove into an alley and the car suddenly stopped.

I turned to look at Damon who was already getting out of the car. I took a deep breath in and mirrored his actions. I realized that both the driver and the guard remained in the car.

"This is it?" I examined my surroundings.

Metal rusty stairs lined the gravel walls of the alley leading up to people's apartments.

"She lives up here in one of those," Damon pointed up towards a second apartment. I walked almost on his heel and followed him up the noisy stairs. He turned to look at me before lifting his fist to knock on the door but it flew wide open before he got the chance.

Behind the door stood a beautiful long haired brunette with dark eye makeup and maroon lips. She wore a long-sleeve crimson satin dress and her long black fingernails were pointy like fangs.

She squealed when she saw Damon and threw herself at him, her long olive-toned arms wrapping around his neck.

"Damon!" She screamed out, planting kisses all along his face," I'm so happy to see you!"

Damon returned the hug with less enthusiasm and I found myself suddenly wondering who she was to him.

"Luna," he greeted," it's a shame we have to meet under these circumstances."

They pulled back from each other and Luna turned her previously enlightened gaze to meet with mines. She looked doubtful and sarcastic.

"So this is the foreigner?" She asked Damon, still looking at me.

I gulped nervously. Damon took an almost nervous look at me and smiled at Lunda," yes it is."

"Well, come in."

Inside, her apartment was small and cozy. A black velvet couch took up most of the living room. Plants hung by pot holders dangling from the ceiling and about a dozen pillar candles lined the corners of the apartment.

I could see part of her kitchen in the back where a small black cat hid behind an appliance, watching me.

Following my gaze, Luna said," That's Jinx, he's friendly....most of the time."

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