Luckily for me, the place was not packed. Meaning I could eat and not feel judged, I could sit alone in a corner and I wouldn't have to speak loudly.

It was cozy in there kind of like a cafe type store. There was an old woman in the corner trying to read through her dirty glasses and a father showing his daughter around.

"Do you have the time?" I heard from my left making me jump.

"No s-" what? No this can't be. "You should be dead" I whispered.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

I backed up into the counter trying to get away from him when he smirked and realized I had just gotten myself stuck in the corner. He started walking towards me smugly then pressed his whole body against mine, grabbing my arms roughly shoving them backwards.

"No!" I screamed now that people could hear. Now that someone could stop him. I pushed him with as much strength I had, which wasn't much, and opened my eyes to see about four people in front of me worried like hell and a man on the ground.

He definitely wasn't my father just a random guy who probably goes to work to support his children while his wife takes them to school. Just one of those guys.

The lady from earlier came over to us quickly and I was confused at first until I realized she worked here.... of course she did.

"I just wanted the time" he cried once people helped him stand. "Then he freaked out and I tried to ask what's wrong but he attacked me"

"I-I'm sorry I've just had a rough day.. or life I guess" I backed up against the counter again.

"Why don't you go sit down and I'll make you something okay, my dear?" The lady soothed then focused on the guy. I left quickly from the scene to a random table near absolutely no one.

It had to of been hours before the lady came up to me again to refresh my water glass. I ate something but not all of it since I was still jumpy, and drank a ton but never got up to pee. She cared for me.

The night had taken over and the store was shutting down. So this time she had a coat and her keys in her hands.

"Would you like to come home with me? Maybe we could call someone if you need?" She suggested. I took it since the only way I was going to be able to move is with her help.

Sitting in her car with the music quiet and small talk, I realized that not only did she care but I saw her twice today. This could be a sign for something.

Her name was Allison, she lived with her husband of over two years and they were trying for kids but he had a difficult time with the whole thing. He sometimes never came home after work which worried her greatly but he always would. She skipped out on college to work in the family business but ran away to London at twenty one. She was very interesting to listen to.

She didn't live that far away from the restaurant so the drive was quick and simple. We walked inside and I took a moment to admire everything as she got relaxed.

"So do you have any numbers to call to get home or?"

"Is your husband here?" I ignored her question focused on one thing and one thing only.

"Um.. no he works until eleven why?" She looked up from her phone. Even with this behavior and being a complete stranger, she wasn't bothered by me which made me wonder, but only for a moment.

"Because I don't have anyone to call. My parents are dead" I edged closer making her gasp and sit up a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry, my dear" she set her phone down and went to stand but I held up my hand.

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