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Keith's POV
I walk to my last class before lunch, Combat. Once inside, I see Victoria and Lance flirting in the corner, gag. So I assume we have to stand next to our table partners. I walk over to Mark and high five him. Mr Corett blabs on about what we're doing, it doesn't catch my interest until he mentions that our partners are going to be picked at random draw. I listen to him name off pairs one by one, eventually he reads my name. I cross my fingers and hope he picks Lance as my partner.


     I look over at her and she smiles back. I give her the most fake smile and strut over to her.
     "Hello, partner." I say as I playfully, but awkwardly, punch her shoulder. She cringes and punches me back.
     "Partner." She says back.

     Mr.Cornett positions us and hands us 'Fighting Sticks' then instructs us to start. Im going to go easy on her because I don't wanna break her ugly face. Oh wait. I start swinging but she keeps blocking. Mr Cornett said once one of us are down, we go and watch other groups battle. Finally it comes down to me and Victoria.
"Since Keith and Tori are the only pair left, they can take a break then they face off!" Cornett announces. I walk over to the water fountain and Victoria approaches me.
"Good luck." She holds out her hand and I shake it. Cornett calls us to the sparing ring, he hands us our weapons.
"Start!" I take a swing at Victoria but she blocks it, we go back and forth. She swings I block, I swing she blocks until I find her weak spot. She never blocks her legs so I slide, dodging her swing, and sweep her legs causing her to fall. I stand up. "Keith wins." He says as he lifts my hand in the air. Everyone cheers and Victoria stands up and smiles at me but I can tell she's pissed. Lance walks over and congratulates me on my win.

"You won!" He says with a smile. I smirk. He messes up my hair playfully and I nudge him. Victoria walks over and crosses her arms.
"You two can.. Play later." She says as she pulls Lance by his hood away. He salutes goodbye and I salute back.

Lance's POV
Victoria drags me out into the hall and looks at me angrily. "You aren't paying attention to me!" She wines. I roll my eyes, this again?
"When do I not pay attention to you?" I ask her.
     "I think you should stop hanging with Keith." She tells me. "He's becoming a distraction." 
     "No, I think the 'distraction' is you. We've only been dating for a month and this isn't working out." I see tears start to form in her waterline. Her lip quivers as she asks:
     "Are you breaking up with me?" I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
     "I'm sorry." I kiss her cheek and walk away, leaving her alone in the hallway.

      "Where's Tori?" Keith asks me when I walk back into the room. I tell him that we broke up and being the psychopath she is, she might try to fill our lungs with baby powder when we sleep. "Baby powder?" Keith laughs. "Why baby powder?" I start to laugh with him.
     "I don't know, isn't that what crazy people do?" I see Victoria walk back into the room with makeup streaming down her cheeks. A group of girls walk over and talk to her while she bawls her eyes out. I kind of feel bad but she'll get over it, right? She glares at me then at Keith. She runs her thumb over her throat as if saying 'you're dead'. I look over at Keith, he's making the 'coo coo sign' with his fingers at her. He sees me watching and we burst out laughing.
Yay, long chapter! Told ya Keith would be happy. I'm looking for new music to listen to, comment good songs below.

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