"Have I ever mentioned how much I hate this?" Tobias asked.

Darien smiled. "Every time Gavius announces us."

"I give to you the Champions of the Arena, Tobias, and Darien!" The roar of the crowd was nearly deafening.

"At least we're endeared to the crowd."

The crowd chanted their names as the two Arena slaves emerged into the sunlight.

"For now," Darien replied.

They held their swords up, accepting the cheers. As Darien turned, he caught sight of Denae in Marcus' private viewing box. Each noble had one and many times would visit the others during fights, dancing the Dance.

"Keep your mind on the fight, Darien, and not some pretty noble," Tobias said.

Darien grinned. "You should do the same." Reilen's box was next to Marcus' and Wen was leaned over the edge.


"And for their opponents, I present a challenge!"

"About time."

Darien chuckled.

"Straight from the deep forests of Aleera herself, more beast than man!"

"Oh, crap," Tobias groaned, his humor now gone. "That doesn't sound good. I really hope that's not what I think it is."

"I give to you the Scourge of Aleera themselves! The Wolf Brothers!" A pair of Wolf Brothers were shoved into the Arena, snarling and snapping. A pair of swords landed in the dirt a few minutes later.

Tobias cursed. "And it is."

"Elohim!" Darien breathed. He'd never seen one but he'd heard all sorts of tales about them. "How did they catch Wolf Brothers?"

"Whatever you do, do not let them bite you. I'm immune to the affliction but there is no way for us to know if you are or not."


He was sure Tobias knew more about the beasts than he did, being a Ranger. The Wolf Brothers saw Tobias and snarled, picking up the swords.

"I'll draw them to me and hold their attention. Strike at them from behind!" With a cry, Tobias darted to the left and away from Darien.

The crowd roared with delight.

Dante knew that Tobias could hold his own against the Wolf Brothers. But it was the elf, Darien, that he was unsure of. Jelina was anxiously watching the battle as it unfolded, no doubt wishing she could help their brother. He glanced at Ruarc and saw the same. Dante himself had to resist the instinct to help one of his Rangers.

"I was unaware that the beasts could be captured," Marcus said.

"As was I," Dante replied. And it was truth. No doubt these two had fallen into one of the slavers' traps but he wondered how they'd retrieved them.

A cry brought his attention back to the fight. Tobias was on his back with a Wolf Brother on top of him. His swords were out of reach and he was struggling to shove the beast off of him, his blood staining the dirt from where he'd been bitten. Darien beheaded it as the other swept its blade upward, cutting into the elf's back. This time it was Darien who cried out and fell forward. Dante noticed Jelina visibly stiffen. Tobias retrieved his swords and shoved them into the Wolf Brother's back and through its chest. It fell to the roar of the crowd.

"They know how to draw their battles out to the pleasure of the crowd," Dante said, relieved that they'd survived. He saw that same relief in Jelina.

Tobias helped Darien to his feet. They raised their arms together in victory and the crowd chanted their names.

"That they do. It's something all Arena slaves must learn to do," Marcus grinned.

"And they have quite the talent. Could I have a private viewing of Tobias? I fear I wasn't able to speak with him at the feast."

"Of course." He rose and the Rangers and Ainnileas followed.


"Denae! Denae!" The young woman turned as Wen ran towards her.

Denae smiled. "Wen! I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"She doesn't miss a fight if it involves Tobias," Reilen said with a chuckle.


"Well met, Maethor, Marcus."

"Well met," Maethor greeted.

"Congratulations on another victory. The Wolf Brothers didn't prove much of a challenge to your champions."

"Many thanks, my friend," Marcus responded. "But I have heard tale that the Rangers devote themselves to fighting the beasts."

As the men began speaking of the Rangers, Wen turned back to Denae. "Come join us at our manor. Acale and I have invited a few friends over and it would be a pleasure if our newest friend joined us."

Denae looked at her father, who nodded. "As long as you take Astaldo with you," he said.

"Yes, Father."

Wen squealed. "Oh, we shall have much fun!"

Maethor chuckled as Wen took Denae's hand and left them, Astaldo trailing them.

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