I'm back

13 3 5

Ya know...
I've been thinkin.

And it hasn't really occured to me until Sunday this week.

I remember here I said I was going to get back for that lost year...

There isn't.

What made me realize it?

Knowing that I have a lot of people that are the same as before.

And I still do the same things I did then.

And, kinda, knowing that the guy I like...

likes me back.

I may not be the same as before.

But that was THEN.

And THIS...

is NOW.

I'm not lost..
But I'm found.

So, I'm not broken or anything.

I'm myself.
And forget about the things in the past.
Because those things matter to some, but it won't matter to me any longer.

Because I'm back.
Being myself.


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