I sidestepped the swing, and kicked Axe Guy on his back. He stumbled forward, but turned his heel and was facing me again, steady on his feet. Claire and I regrouped; back-to-back.

I was out of breath because of the shadow travelling and also the dodging, parrying and also sidestepping I had to do in such a short time. Claire was no exception. She was sweating, but she held her knife firm.

"How did Axey know that I was gonna shadow travel there?" I said, panting as my heart started beating like a drum. My heart might just burst and I die, although that is not possible. Well, people always told me I had a wild and morbid way of thinking.

"They are Ares kids," Claire said, wiping her brow, "most of their time is spent training on the weapons they specialize in and also on weapons that can be used as secondary weapons. Their reactive movements are almost lightning fast. They are also tough. Children of war after all," Claire explained.

"We have to outsmart and increase the speed of our reflexes," I said.

"Exactly," Claire nodded, "and I have just the plan."

I knew what she was saying, as soon as she finished her sentence. This time, I charged at Sword Guy, locking blades with him. Instead of using the same attack, Shield Guy attempted to slash at me again, but this time Claire intercepted and parried his blade. It surprised both Sword and Shield Guy, and I took that opportunity to kick out at Sword Guy's gut before using the flat of my blade to trip him.

Shield Guy tried to take control of the situation, attempting to slash at Claire but he was cut short when I kicked his sword away. Claire gave him a knee to the gut and then used the hilt of her knife to knock into his temple. Two down, two more to go.

Their strategy was pretty simple. They knew that we were formidable if our attacks were combined, as we attacked simultaneously after each other. They had to seperate us, and that's what they did. But when Claire gave me the look, it said everything about her plan. As I said, fighting beside her was second nature.

It was easy to dispatch the remaining duo. I wanted to use my natural death aura, but I was worried it would effect Claire. I sidestepped Axe Guy's charge, and did a tornado kick to his back, the force making him drop to one knee. Claire kicked his gut, and he crumpled onto the soft grass.

Spear Guy, as a last resort threw his spear at us, but we ducked underneath. Spear Guy came at us with two long knives, brandishing them like a true pro. I slashed Blazefire at him, but he moved fast, sidestepping and used his shoulder to drive me to the ground.

As I fell, I turned to see that Claire had caught Spear Guy's knife, and wrenched his wrist, making him drop his other knife. She twisted his remaining knife hand, and drove her knee deep into his gut. She threw him over her shoulder with an arm toss, and when he was on the ground, Claire's knife was at his throat.

"Sparring over," she said, and stood up, sheathing her knife. I looked up at her in amazement, as she helped me up by offering me her hand. I took it, my other hand holding Blazefire.

Blazefire turned back into my standard fedora, which I placed on my head.

SCORE ONE FOR THE ATHENA HADES CREW WOOT WOOT! my inner voice yelled, as though on cue.

Holy Zeus she's amazing, was my reply.

Of course she is. All of Athena's daughters are amazing! No wonder these guys wanted to be with her. They won't bother you after this anymore, Danny.

"Wow," I said numbly.

"Wow?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I meant-" I shook my head to clear it. "I meant that you were awesome, handling that last guy. I didn't know you could do throws. Man, I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you."

The Demigod With A FedoraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora