The Demigod With A Fedora

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I will admit, I didn't see this coming. I was sitting in my small apartment unit in Manhattan, minding my own business by completing my English literature homework while listening to music. I had my headphones on, and the music was quite loud. I didn't even hear the doorbell ringing, but when I heard, I took off my headphones and headed to the door. I peered through the doorhole, and guess who I saw?

A guy, about my age with brown hair, hazel eyes in casual clothes looking impatient. He looked like he was going to kick down my door when I unlocked it and opened it up half.

"May I help you?" I asked, in my usual deep, rough voice of mine. It was morning; my voice gotten even more gruff. I sounded like some fifty year-old man.

"Hey." He then said something that I did not see coming, "You have to follow me now."

My first reaction was one of doubt. Who was he? How would I know whether he is a member of a street gang hanging around my apartment, that as soon as I stepped out his buddies would assault me? And what's the reason to follow him?

"Who are you?" I snapped. "I want clear ID, pal."

His first reaction was annoyance. His hand jerked towards his jeans pocket, just hovering in mid-air. He relaxed his hand. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'm Roy Curtis. You don't know me, but you will soon know me. Look, the deal is I need you to pack up and follow me, because its not safe for you here."

"Why is it not safe?" I said, exasperated.

"You are not who you think you are," he said, those famous eight words.

I arched an eyebrow. "Then what am I, Roy?"

Roy looked around, and he said, "Can I come in? It's not safe for me to talk outside."

"Sure." I let him in, and told him to settle down at the table. He glanced at the mess i had on the table; books, pens, my iPod and headphones and just at the side near the study light, my black fedora hat that I was given my mom before she died. She told me that it could 'save my life', and now I'm starting to see the connection. I don't know how the fedora is going to save my life, because I couldn't smack some crook in the face with the soft-hard fabric. They wouldn't even be bruised, or momentarily stunned. WHenever I left it somewhere, it would appear right in front of me. Even when I went out without it, the fedora would always be on my head after a while. I gotten used to wearing it.

"English?" he asked, raising an eyebrow now.

"Hey don't judge," I yelled from the kitchen. "Anything to drink?"

"I don't really have time to drink," he answered. "But if you can get me some Coke, that would be nice."

I took out two cans of Coke and brought it to the living room. I placed one in front of him and another in front of me, not squishing my papers. We snapped the cans open and sipped for a few moments. Finally he cleared his throat.

"What's your name?" he asked. "You know mine, so I should know yours."

"Dante Ezio," I answered, reaching over to shake hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Roy. So now can you tell me what's going on, and why I should pack up and follow you?"

Roy was suddenly serious. He explained.

"Do you know Greek mythology? If you do, the names Zeus, Poseidon and Hades would ring a bell."

"Oh yeah," I said. "They do ring a bell. So, what do they have to do with me having to follow you?"

"The gods have children with mortals," he said. "You are one of them. You are a demigod." He waited for realization to strike my brain.

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