'I can't talk!' I tried to yell out.

"We can't let him know?" He went on. I took a deep breath, which sent a wave of heat through my body. It was a hot flash. I had had a few because of the Mark, but the Mark was now a light colored, lightning bold shaped scar. Now it had to be a result of my Combination reacting with the Fyrewhiskey. I felt my face turn bright red.

"Elle?" He asked. I knocked the remainder of my cinnamon bun off of its plate and used it to fan myself. He took it from me. "We have to leave, but... We can't let Mum and Dad know..."

I waved my arms around as if to say,

'How are we going to do that?'

"I know. I know. We don't know how we're going to do this, but we have to get you in without them knowing. They'll be able to smell the Fyrewhiskey on you. We can't let them smell you, either.

I waved my arms again.

"Come on. We need to leave." He got up, put his cloak on, then went behind me and put my cloak over my shoulders. He pulled me up, after laying the payment for the drinks on the table. He took my arm. "We're going." And Disapparated.

We reappeared in his room. I jerked out of his grip and ran to his desk. I grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment.


I wrote.


When I finished, I ran to Draco and showed him the paper.

"Don't yell at me!" He said, referring to the capital letters. I threw my arms in the air again. "I know you're freaking out. I'm freakng out, too. But we cannot let them know! So stop freaking out! What do you think you need?"

I wrote on the parchment again.




That was all I needed. I handed it to him. He read over it, and then put it down.

"Alright, I will go get them. We can pretend that you got tired and wanted to go to bed. If they ask, you wanted to stay with me tonight, okay?"

'What' I mouthed.

"They can't see you. If they come in while I gone pretend to be asleep."

I nodded my head yes and lay down on the bed. I waited, expecting Lucius and Narcissa to come in, but they didn't. I began to relax, although I couldn't speak. It would end soon... hopefully....

But what if I was permanently stuck like that? That if I had taken my voice away forever by drinking two stupid shots of Fyrewhiskey? I was on medication; it was obvious that I shouldn't have been drinking. I brought this upon myself. I'm so stupid....

I began crying.

I lay on the bed, silently crying, until I heard something outside of Draco's room.

"She's asleep!" Draco frantically insisted. "Don't wake her up! It's been, um, a long day! Please, don't go in there."

"What is wrong with you, Draco?" Narcissa questioned. I heard the door knob turned. I closed my eyes and curled up, trying my best to keep my breathing under control. I heard the door open.

"Eleanor?" I heard Lucius question. I didn't move. "Are you awake, dear?"

"She must have been tired if she's fallen asleep before you even got her Combination to her..." Narcissa said suspiciously.

"Oh, yeah. Really tired. Really, really, tired. That's why we should just let her sleep. She can stay in my room tonight."

"What is wrong with you?" Narcissa asked.

"She can't stay here. She doesn't have her pull up on. We have to get her up. Eleanor?" Lucius questioned, and nudged my shoulder .I tried my best not to respond. "Eleanor, wake up." He tried again. To make everything seem normal, I had no choice but to act like he had waken me up. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" I nodded my head yes. "Just tired." I nodded again. "Well, then, let's go to your room." He tried. This time, I shook my head no and grabbed onto Draco's arm. Lucius frowned. "Come on, Elle." I shook my head yet again, and pressed my face into Draco's arm. Draco let out a shaky breath.

"That's okay. She can sleep with me tonight. She's done it before. If It'll make her happy, just let her."

"Well... Fine. But she still has to put her pull up on." Lucius gave in. We waved his wand and two pairs of night pants flew in. He handed me one and put the other on Draco's night stand. HE took my pajamas from Draco and gave them to me. "Go change. Here's a extra pull up in case you need it tonight. I'll give you your Combination when you come out, and you can go back to sleep. Okay?" I nodded my head yes and did as he asked. Afterward, he gave me my Combination, both parents gave me a kiss and said goodnight, and left.

Draco fell onto the bed, letting out a relieved sigh.

"That's' was close." He covered his face.

I nodded my head.

"Lets hope you can just sleep it off." He put in. I shrugged. "You don't have to go to sleep if you don't want to. " He explained. I shook my head no and pointed to the empty vial on the nightstand next to my night pants. I had already taken my Combination: I would be out in fifteen minutes.

With nothing else to do, I curled up against him just enough to feel his warmth; barely touching him with my back, hugged Melvin, and drifted off to sleep.

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now