I opened Lou's door and put the ice cream on his lap. I then went round to Niall's door and asked him to come out of the car. He stepped out and I took the booster out of the box and set it on his seat.

"But Daddyyyyyyy." He said dragging out the 'y'.

"But nothing Niall. You know you need this seat, I saw you be thrown across the back of the car every time I turned a corner." I said patting his head.

He sighed and nodded reluctantly climbing into the seat. He fastened his seat belt and then we were off. Ten minutes later and I pulled into our parking space outside of the apartment.  Louis took the ice cream in while I was stuck with having to carry Niall and Harry out of the car. With Niall situated on one hip and Harry on the other and both of their arms around my neck I took the elevator up to our flat on the first floor.

I knocked on the door with my foot and Zayn and Louis had gone in minutes before and left me struggling with the two sleeping children. Zayn answered the door and took Harry off of me.

Louis came into the living room after he put the ice cream in the freezer and took Harry off of Zayn and took him into our room.

"Go and get your teeth brushed Zee, then you can get your jammies on after Niall and I are finished in the room." I said and took Niall into the boys room and woke him up.

"Bug, come on. You gotta get up. Nap time's over." I cooed.

He woke up and rubbed his eyes and put his hands out to me. I chuckled and picked him up in my arms like a baby and started bouncing him up and down. He giggled and giggled as I tickled his stomach. I set him down and got his jammies on him and then took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Once he was finished he put his hands back up for me and I lifted him into the living room to get all the blankets sorted on the couch for a movie night.

Zayn was already lying on one of the couched scrolling through his phone. I want him to sit next to me tonight so I can cuddle him more because I spanked him earlier.

"Zee, come sit beside me and Niall, baby." I said.

"M'not a baby, Dad." He whined.

I chuckled and pulled him into my side. I stroked his hair with one of my hands and rubbed Niall's stomach - who was on the other side of me - with the other.

Soon Louis and Harry came into the living room. Harry was dressed in his superman onesie with a bulge in his lower region, indicating that Louis has already nappied him. His dummy bobbed steadily in his mouth and he kept his face close to Louis chest as Louis sat down with him in his lap, rubbing his cheek against the older mans top and loving the smell of his Papa.

"What movie do you want to watch boys?" I asked.

They all shrugged so I suggested a movie.

"How about Toy Story?" I asked and they all agreed.

I put Toy Story in the DVD player and then took the ice cream out the fridge and set it in five bowls. I brought them back and gave everyone a bowl.

Half way through the movie everyone was long finished with their ice creams and Niall began to fall asleep on me. I looked over to see Harry already asleep on Louis and decided that it was probably best to put them both to bed as it was 8:15, past Harry's bedtime and nearly Niall's.

Louis stood up with Harry and I stood up with Niall and took them to their room. I tucked Niall into the bottom bunk and kissed him goodnight and then went to kiss Harry goodnight as Louis kissed Niall.

Louis and I both sat next to Zayn for the final part of the movie. At first Zayn was rigid in between Louis and I but then he started to relax. Soon he was leaning on us, and then I decided to pull him onto my lap and Louis scooted up closer to us. Zayn didn't seem to mind that he was on my lap and laid his head against my chest.

Twenty minutes later I found myself kissing Zayn's forehead as I tucked him into bed and then went to join my beautiful boyfriend in an American Horror Story marathon.

Hey guys!

How is everyone? I just want to thank you for voting and commenting, and I know I say this a lot but it really does mean so much to me.

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