New Life

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I was introduced to my new home, a large three-story house with a built-in pool in the backyard plus a hot tub. The front door opened up to the second floor, so the first was considered a basement, and half was already turned into a man cave for Mr. Strife, or my new dad.

The second floor seemed to be the main one, with the kitchen, dining room, living room, master bedroom, and even a den which they put a computer and some bookshelves with a sofa in there.

On the third floor was where mainly all the other bedrooms were, but they left one open for a guest as the other two were taken by Haley and her little brother Kyle. I found it pretty convenient that there was a bathroom for each floor.

My bedroom was built in the first floor, and they sectioned off half of it to myself complete with a large bed and my own personal living space with a couch and tv and computer. Jesus, what kind of money are they paying them?

I also found out that this particular house was equal distance away from all our friends' houses, even more convenient.

Before I had wondered what happened to Bear and Sadie, our dogs, but I was greeted by them when I first came ro the house, and they were more than happy to see me. No only was I adopted, but Sadie was too.

"This is an amazing house." I breathed after I got the full tour of it from Haley's parents – er, mine too, I guess.

"I knew you'd like it!" Haley's mom clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Little Kyle is already loving his new big room." Mr. Strife chuckled. "We even put dinosaur stickers all around, he's obsessed with them." He whispered.

"Thank you, for letting me into your family, Mr. And Mrs. Strife." I said.

"Please, you can can call us mom and dad, or, if that's too extreme, just Amy and David." She winked at me.

"We'd be glad to have another Strife in the family." David, or Dad, said.

"Thanks, but I'd like to keep my last name, if that's alright." I said.

"Oh, that's no problem at all, sweetie." Amy waved it away.

They later escorted me down to my living space and let me make myself at home, though I already was.

Unfortunately for me, I was restricted to going certain places because of my wheelchair, and I silently cursed it every time as a reminder. Though after I had moved in with my new family, I'd been told that they could try physical therapy for me so I'm not stuck in this wheelchair. Haley's parents must have high hopes for everything.

My heart skipped at the thought of being able to walk again, but it sounded like a long shot. However, I reluctantly agreed and Alex offered to take me to physical therapy three times a week, which felt like a bit much for me.

I was given a back brace to help with my posture and try to ease the pain along with leg braces so they would be more supported when I try to take my first steps again. I braced myself with the two parallel bars on the side of me that ran down a walkway as Alex helped me to stand. He guided my legs, one foot in front of the other, as I struggled to walk again, and we repeated this for the next couple of weeks.

I was also given some medicine from my Doctor to help with the nerve damage. Though I thought it'd be permanent, I do recall him saying there was a small chance of me walking again. Hey, at least there's a chance, right?

I very slowly started to regain feeling in my legs again, though it was extremely uncomfortable as it felt as if they were asleep with pins and needles. At least I could finally wiggle my toes again, how about that.

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