Forbidden Love

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I burst through the back doors with tears streaming down my face, praying that he didn't follow me, but as soon as I ran out I was stopped in my tracks by a clap of thunder, and instead I leaned against the wall and sank to my knees trying to catch my breath.

This couldn't happen, I can't lose Alex, despite Haley being lucky, I didn't want to risk it. But I feared that I already hurt him, running away crying after our first kiss. I hated myself for doing that, and I cried harder. Maybe I could walk home, I didn't care if I got wet, I just didn't think I could face Alex again.

Suddenly somebody burst through the back doors, a guy in a tux, and he sat down hard on the curb and placed his head in his hands, his dark hair falling forward. For a moment I froze, but then I realized it was Drew.

"Ugh, I'm so stupid!" He said through gritted teeth, running his hands through his hair.

I wiped away my tears and took in a deep breath. "Drew?"

He turned around sharply. "What?" Then his eyes fell on me, and he softened a bit. "Oh, Emma." He turned back around and looked down. "What do you want?"

"'re upset." I said quietly.

"Thanks for noticing." He muttered under his breath. "Look, if you're just gonna sit there, then don't bother me, I'm not in the mood."

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's not your business, just don't worry about it." Drew said coldly.

"Drew...its Nichole, isn't it?" I said cautiously, expecting him to explode on me.

Instead he stiffened up, and his shoulders sagged. "She played me, and I actually thought there was a way to get through to her, to get to know her as..." He trailed off, sighing.

"She's not the right kind of girl for you, for any guy, I'm sorry." I said softly.

"Whatever, I'm done with her. Don't care if she's heartbroken, she'll find a hot guy by next week and forget all about me." He spat. "I'm thinking about leaving soon, it's not worth staying here with her anymore."

"There's still time to have fun and dance." I offered.

He gave me a look. "Not interested." He shook his head.

"I don't mean me, I mean with another girl. There's gotta be somebody you had eyes for instead of that witch." I said.

"Doesn't matter." He mumbled.

"Drew." I pressed on.

"Alright alright, there is one girl but I won't get her." He said reluctantly.

"Do tell." I sat up and moved over to him.

"Uh...she's got um, like goldilocks." He motioned in the air.

It took a moment to process the information. The only girl I knew was..."Lillie?"

"That's her name? Then yea, her." He shrugged. "But I won't get past Levi."

"Well, you're his friend, I'm sure he'll trust you with her, except you'll be supervised." I grinned.

"I bet." He chuckled. "Think I have a chance?"

"With a guy that's got your looks, she'll fall head over heels." I smiled. "Plus she's sweet, funny, and like probably the most bubbly girl I've ever met."

"I much prefer girls like that rather than bossy drama queens." He said.

"Well, she fits your specifications, I think you have a shot with her." I shrugged. "I'll warn you though, you'll be dealing with Levi if anything happens." I winked at him.

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