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The end of the week came by pretty quickly, and it was time for me to get my own wheelchair. I was silently hoping that this day would never come, but it did, unfortunately for me.

Two nurses came in with a wheelchair for me, and Alex had to help me off the bed by scooping me up in his arms, which was a bad idea since that hurt my back. He gently set me down in the chair as the nurses adjusted the rigging and the footplates so my legs could rest on them.

"Okay, she's all set." The first nurse said.

"I'll push her around, thank you." Alex said. The two nurses nodded and left as I sat rigid in this mobile chair.

"What's wrong?" Alex leaned over from behind me to search my face.

"This is torture." I spat.

"Its not that bad." Alex said. "If it hurts your back still, we can get a pillow as a cushion for it." He offered.

"I'll take the pillow, but I still hate it." I crossed my arms and pouted.

Alex laughed. "You look like a little kid who was just said 'no' to."

I glared at him and rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Well, it's your first day to be free from here, so where do you want to go?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I can't go anywhere, but you can, you're just taking me."

"I just said - never mind." Alex shook his head. "How about going to get some real food?"

"Sure." I nodded. "I sick of whatever they're trying to feed me." I grimaced.

"Alright." Alex said as he pushed me down the hallway to the elevators. "So what do you feel like eating?"

"Anything other than hospital food." I said.

"C'mon, do I have to make all the decisions for you now?" Alex whined.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Well I had no choice in getting this wheel chair, so this is all you for what you plan to do."

Alex sighed, "Ok then, how about...chicken? From KFC? There's one right across from the hospital." He said as we came down to the first floor in the elevator.

"So I'll still be able to see my prison, great." I muttered under my breath.


"Chicken, great." I said.

"Cool." We exited the hospital and crossed over to the red and white building of KFC.

I ordered a two-piece drumstick and thigh meal that came with a side of potatoes a biscuit and a cookie. Alex filled up my cup with Sprite as he sat down at our table with his famous bowl meal.

I took a bite out of my biscuit, and immediately regretted my food choice. I thought I'd be excited to finally eat outside food that I'd be gobbling it down, but I could barely keep any of this in my stomach.

"Something wrong?" Alex furrowed his brow. "You barely touched your food."

"I can't finish this." I shook my head as I pushed it away.

"C'mon Emma, you've lost a lot of wait sitting in that hospital for a month, you need to eat." He said.

"I'll be fine." I said as I took a sip of my Sprite.

Alex studied me for a moment. "Do you see how skinny you are? That's not good for you."

"Isn't skinny supposed to be considered 'healthy'?" I raised an eyebrow.

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