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December 19, 1983

"Happy birthday, Lionel!"

Ruth laughed, jumping on her best friend's bed at the stroke of midnight, trying to wake him up.

He groaned, shoving her off. "Thanks, Ruth. Couldn't you have waited 'til the morning?"

She made a face. "I've been doing this for years, you think that I'm gonna stop now just because we couldn't stay in the treehouse?"

He put on his glasses. "Considering it's pouring outside, I would've liked to assume 'yes'."

He held his arms out and she pulled him into a hug, pulling away after five counts instead of three; it was their little way of knowing that Ruth was being more clingy that day.

"I still have your cupcake," she proclaimed proudly.

He laughed. "Where is it, then? Soaking wet on the floor?"

She shoved him. "No, stupid, it's downstairs. Your mom let me hide it there. I said it was for tomorrow morning, but let's be real."

He snorted and flourished his hand. "Lead the way."

The two padded down the stairs, Ruth in Lionel's nightclothes, her soaked clothes on the bathroom floor.

She stood up on the counter, grabbing the cupcake from the top cupboard. She hopped down, wincing at the loud sound her feet made.

Lionel stifled a laugh sitting on the counter, waving his arms trying to get her to be quiet. The two had perfected the art of sneaking around their parents, knowing how to pretend to sleep, how to hide snacks, and how not to get caught in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

She grabbed a lighter, straining to get it to work. She silently screamed triumphantly, lighting the candle she had grabbed from the drawer.

"Make a wish, Lion," she whispered.

He smiled and blew it out, the smoke flying into her face. She swallowed her coughs, glaring at him.

He made a face at her, grinning. He unwrapped the cupcake, taking a bite.

Ruth stood up and grabbed a muffin and the milk jar, Lionel getting two mugs for them.

The two ate quietly, comfortable in the other's company.

The two put away their mugs and the milk, making their way up to his room.

"That was exhausting," Ruth sighed, closing the door.

Lionel laughed. "You waved your arms too much and your jaw opened bigger than your entire head."

She stuck her tongue out, jumping onto the bed. "Whatever. I'm tired, Lionel, sleep."

He pouted. "We're not playing the game?"

She scoffed. "It's the last day before break, I'm not about to fall asleep in class because I stayed up until five so I wouldn't get drawn on."

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