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"Children," Charles announced, "We are going to go find Warren Worthington III!"

"Fuck yeah!" Peter cried, punching the air.

"Finally!" Kurt cheered, bamfing around the room, hugging every person, even a semi-reluctant Erik.

"When're we leaving?" Jubilee asked after doing three cartwheels.

"Tonight," Charles said. "Hank will be flying us on the stealth jet that he has been building on the grounds of the mansion."

Ruth snorted. "A separate location to build his war plane? Sounds pretty convenient."

Hank shrugged. "That's what happens when the school nearly blows up. Thankfully, Peter got everyone out okay."

"Yup!" Alex chirped, "So start packing a luggage or something we might be there a few days."

The group dispersed. Kurt and Jubilee immediately started to discuss what they were to pack and what to wear.

"We gotta look presentable, but not snobby," she announced, blocking everyone's path.

"So sayeth the girl in the clashing yellow jacket and pink hoop earrings," Ruth said, "I mean that in the best possible way, I love you."

Jubilee cooed. "I love you too. Scott, I can feel you glaring behind your sunglasses, you need to calm down. So. I am going to go pack, Kurt, I am going to go help you. Ro, I am sitting next to you on the plane. Peter, I know you just finished packing so come and help me out, Jeanie, if you're finished help me too."

Ruth grinned, remembering how Jubilee took charge during their little escapade at the mall. "And Scott and I will make ourselves scarce?"

Jubilee nodded. "Yup! But if I find you two mashing and your things aren't packed, I am going to be very disappointed."

Peter frowned. "What's mashing."

Ruth smiled and tugged on Scott's hand, pulling him towards her room. "It's a Californian thing."

º º º º º

Ruth stared at her suitcase, not sure what to pack. She groaned, tugging at her hair. "This is so hard! And I don't even have that many clothes!"

Scott smiled, dropping the Culture Club record onto the record player. After their little moment in the kitchen, and later in her room, Scott had insisted that they listen to the vinyl since she hasn't been able to before.

It resulted in an impromptu dance party.

So that became their little thing. Dance parties in Ruth's room. The day before it had been Dazzler's album.

"Loosen up," he said, smiling as the music started.

"So sayeth our resident stick in the mud," she said, crossing her arms. She bit back her smile as she watched him start to dance, mouthing along to the lyrics. "I'm not dancing with you, Scott."

He made his way towards her, holding out his hands. "Yeah, you are."

"No, I'm not." She turned away from him so her hands were out of reach.

"Yeah, you are!" He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him, grabbing her hands.

He spun her around, grinning as she laughed, her voice ringing through the room.

"We gotta pack!" she laughed, letting him twirl her around.

"Just finish the song," he begged, letting go of her hands.

1¹ | Dexter ▷ Scott Summers | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat