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Mandatory Semi-Prologue

Ruth had a little anger issue. At least, that's what Charles and Hank liked to call it whenever they had to douse her with water or use the fire extinguisher because she got a little too upset.

She pretended to sleep, listening as the door opened. She heard Hank's low voice, saying something to someone. The second voice she didn't recognize. It wasn't Charles' soft English accent, it was more rich sounding, deep.

"Don't make her go to her classes," the mystery voice said. Ruth liked this voice, it knew what was up. "If you don't know the extent of her powers, don't make her join a class of kids that do, that's not helpful for anyone. Just bring her her homework and leave her alone."

"But Alex—"

"She's a kid, Hank. She can't be more than sixteen, she's younger than Scott. Younger than Sean when we first got to him."

"...I'm worried about her, Alex. She nearly burned her room down last night when she was sleeping. Her hair turns into fire."

"...that's really cool."


"Calm down, Bozo, it's okay. Look, let's figure it out later. Let's just let her sleep."

Ruth opened her eyes and sat up, staring at the door where Hank and this new person, Alex, had been hovering not a minute before. She had been there a month and had no idea who anyone was; for all she knew, this Alex person could have been at the school for years.

She closed her eyes and settled onto her bed, sighing as she relaxed fully, she back unused to the lack of tension. Within minutes she was in a dreamless, restless sleep. There were no fires that night, the first in a week.

º º º º º

Ruth sat crossed legged on her bed, listening to music on her Walkman. She had received a note on her disabled alarm clock telling her that she didn't have to go to class. She already knew, but seeing it in Hank's writing made it a lot better. At least, she assumed it was Hank's handwriting, she had never actually seen it.

There was a knock on the door and her heart deflated. It was probably Hank trying to convince her to go on a run to release endorphins or whatever science discovered ten years ago.

She stood up and opened the door to reveal a man with long blonde hair carrying an impressive stack of books. She guessed he was Alex. She let him in wordlessly, moving to stand in the middle of the room.

He shut the door partway, leaving it ajar slightly. She relaxed, feeling safe enough to sit on her bed. He placed the books on her desk, making a noise when it shook, hands scrambling to keep whatever would fall steady.

He sighed and turned to face her, sticking out his hand, a lopsided grin on his face. "Alex Summers."

She shook it warily. "Ruth Dakin."

His smile grew wider. "Ruth Dakin Bailey?"

"Get out of my room."

He laughed loudly, his head titling back slightly. She blinked, startled at the sound. She hadn't heard anyone laugh in quite some time. Not in her presence, at least; she had definitely heard people laughing in the halls and in the other rooms.

He pulled up her chair and sat across from her. "So Hank told me your hair lights up when you're angry. Well, fire, but same thing."

She nodded. "Yeah...who're you again?"

He smiled. "Alex Summers. I'm one of the original X-Men. I'm Scott's brother."

She felt her ears go pink and looked at her hands. She had heard of the original X-Men, mostly from the stories in the halls and through the walls, but she had no idea who Scott was. She didn't talk to anyone or go out much, or at all. She had a feeling he was important, given the way Alex said his name.

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