Chapter 2 - Eavesdropping

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"Lacey, you musn't stress yourself," My best friend and soon to be sister-in-law, Alicia, told me.

I was sitting in the kitchen with Alicia, Holly, Krista, and Jamia, the morning after Gerard and the boys left.

Alicia is Mikey's girl, Holly is Bob's fiance, Krista is Ray's wife also my sister-in-law, and Jamia is Frank's wife, with two baby girls already.

"I know, but the Germans are strong, Alicia," i said. "I don't want to loose him. And he'll be devastated if he looses Mikey, you saw how nervous Mikey was the night before."

"Same with our boys," Krista said. "But right now we have to do what we can for the war efforts in order for the men to come home."

She's right. Alicia and Jamia work in the factory making warheads, me helping as a seamstress.

"Let's all just get going, shall we??" Jamia said, walking into the kitchen in her factory uniform.

Her and Holly work at the factory, Alicia a waitress, and I am a seamstress.

"Alright," come on," Alicia said as me and Krista and Holly got up.

"Bandit, sweetie, get your coat," i called out.

"Bandit then ran in already in her hat and coat, taking my hand as we went to take the bus.

We each got down on our stops and then Bandit and I arrive to the tailor shop.

"Hello, Lacey. How are you doing??" My boss, Mathilda, asked.

"I'm doing alright. Just worried, you know," i said, motioning to the portrait of the boys.

"Gerard and the guys will be alright. You just take it easy," she said.

I nodded and soon got to work mending the uniforms of soldiers who will later be sent to Europe.

It was a slow day and Matilda had to rush to the bank for a bit while Bandit played with the toys in the play room.

While i sewed the sleeve of the jacket i hear the door open and hear two men enter.

I got up as soon as they rung the bell.

"Hello, how can i help you two gentlemen??" i asked.

"Here for a pick up," one said, pulling a reciept out for me. I can tell they are soldiers, but... they oddly sounded a German accent.

"Haven't seen you around this town, you two," i said.

"Immigrants from Sweden," the tall one said. the other one stayed quiet.

"One moment, please," I nodded and just went to look for the jacket orders, when i suddenly hear them talking in German.

They are not Swedish. What are German soldiers doing in the U.S. at this moment??

Lucky for me, i speak Italian, French, German, Polish, and Russian (my father was a language instructor and I learned more at the military base after Bandit was born).

"Also die marine Soldaten geschickt wurden gestern?" he asked (So, the Marine soldiers were sent yesterday?)

"Ja. Es ist nur ein paar Tage, bis Hitler lauches den nächsten Angriff. Nur wenige Wochen, um ihren Fall zu Anfang Juni erhalten, und sie werden die ersten Kugeln, bevor die großen Kanonen zu starten.," the one that was quiet said. (Yes. It's only a few days until Hitler lauches the next attack. Only a few weeks to get their case to the beginning of June, and they will launch the first few bullets before taking out the big guns.)

I was just nearby and acted oblivious to the conversation, but now felt terrified. They were planning a surprise attack.

"Wann fangen wir an? Und was werden wir über sie?" one asked. (When do we attack? And what will we use on them?)

"Wir planen für den 6. Juni. Und wir haben neue Kern Gifte, und einige von den ersten Krieg, als die Tränengas und fortschrittliche Waffenkammer," the tall one said. (We plan for June 6th. And we have new nuclear poisons, and some of the first war, as the tear gas and advanced armory)

"Ha! Sie werden keine Chance," the other one said. (Ha! They won't stand a chance.)

I gasp quietly. They're going to kill the entire fleet?!

"Hello, miss??" i heard them ask in english now. 

I regained focus and looked for the clothes. "One second, please," i said.

I grabbed the jacket, shocked that i was giving them American troop uniforms.

I gulped and then walked up, giving it to them.

"Here you are. Have a good day, sir's," i said.

"Thank you. You as well, milady," the tall one said and they left.

Matilda then entered.

"Lacey, you look pale!! Come sit down," she said, rushing over to my side and i sat down, Bandit emerging from the play room.

"Sweetheart, please get your mother some water??" Matilda asked.

Bandit rushed forward 

"Matilday, those men were undercover Germans. They know about the Marines' landing and are planning an attack in almost 2 weeks," i said.

"Oh my, you heard them?!" she asked.

"Yes, they're going to plant bombs and gas," i said.

"I'll call a corproal," Matilda said, but i stopped her.

"No, the telegram will take days if sent across seas," i said. 'We need to warn them now."

"What can we do??" Matilda asked.

The Germans need to be stopped. If they attack Gerard's fleet, we loose this entire war. Lives will be killed in both countries, we'll be doomed.

"I need to stop them on my own," i said.

"What?! You are insane, Lacey Toro!!" Matilda said.

"If there is anything i have been taught is to be a spy. My grandfather taught me everything, so in order to stop and warn them, i need to reach to the fleet from enemy lines," i said.

"Its dangerous, especially in your health," Matilda protested.

"But i have no choice. If i don't give this information to teh general, then we all die," i said.

She protested, but then gave up.

"And Bandit??" she asked.

'She can stay with Jamia or Krista," i said.

She hugs me and I hug her back.

Its a crazy pan, but I have to. Not just for my love. Not just for my cousin. For my country as well.


Picture of the the boys (edited by me)---->>

The Ghost Of You (An MCR Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz