An Unfriendly encounter

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"He just. Totally made fun of me." Maka wiped more tears from her eyes and Wes simply nodded, pouring her another drink.
"My brother's like that." Wes agreed.
"My mom sucks! My dad sucks! Soul sucks, Jesus everyone I've ever loved just... sucks." Maka sighed. They were in some bar in the Evans mansion.
"So how many cars do you have?" Maka questioned, looking at the blue Ferrari that they arrived in.
"Lost count. Soul could've had all of this and more but he just had to go to the academy." Wes groaned.
"Ya because he's a weapon. You don't get some sort of choice with that." Maka explained, defending her weapon. Wes shot her a glare that made her shut up.
"Hey it's getting late, think I'll head home now." Maka smiled.
"I'll drive you." Wes offered.
"No, no, we're both pretty buzzed, I'll take a bus." Maka passed.
"No. I said I'd drive you." Wes gritted his teeth and grabbed Maka's wrist.
"And I said I'd take the bus." Maka understood where this was going and moved to hit him over the head.
"Weapons are hereditary, Maka." Wes dodged and held his arm to her throat as it turned into a scythe.
"Crap." Maka murmured. He had this trusting face, he just looked so much like, like, Soul...
"Wes, I told Soul where I was going so if you hurt me-" Maka was lying through her teeth and Wes knew it.
"First of all, if Soul knew you were here then he'd be here. He's a reckless little punk, especially when it comes to you. I've seen it. The only time he came to visit, he brought a picture of the two of you and the second I asked about you he got all defensive. Secondly, if you know what's good for Soul then you'll keep meeting with me and you'll lie about who hurt you. Clear?" Wes searched her eyes for conformation.
"Wait you didn't hurt-" she was interrupted by a sharp pain on her wrist then neck.
"Clear." She nodded and Wes dropped her.
"I am kinda tired so... have fun with that bus." Wes left Maka clutching her throat gasping for air.

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