Awful arguments

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"Hey, Maka!" Tsubaki greeted.
"Hey." Maka grumbled, they were all at the academy, in class together.
"So... how are you all?" Liz asked awkwardly, a long silence occurred.
"Hey that party last night was awesome!" Kid tried to break the silence.
"Ya, Maka, ya really missed out! You could've partied with a god!" Blackstar chimed in, not sensing the awkwardness of the situation.
"Oh no, I was too busy being a slut." Maka stated, her arms crossed, her head in a book.
"Maka!" Soul fumed.
"Wo... dude did you call her a slut?" Kid asked is disbelief.
"Well... I-" soul muttered.
"Soul!" Liz scolded, that was just the beginning. After that Liz, Patty, and even Tsubaki ranted about how slur shaming was wrong and then about how innocent Maka was anyways.
Finally the final bell rang and Soul was able to escape the lectures and hits on the head. Maka, however, remained silent.
"Come on, Maka. We gotta go!" Soul dragged her up off the ground.
"Nice try. I have a ride." Maka stated.
"Ok you got a ride here and now back? Who's driving you?" Soul demanded.
"Oh, my pimp." Maka teased.
"Maka, please! I'm sorry!" Soul pleaded.
"You thought I cheated on you and you called me a slut, soul, come on!" Maka shoved him away and continued walking. "Maka!" Soul caught up to her and grabbed her wrist.
"Just, please, let me take you home." Maka considered this for a moment.
"I can't. He's already here." Maka decided, walking into a black car.
"Wait! Please!" Soul begged.
"What?" Maka turned around.
"Soul relax, I'll take care of her." Wes rolled down the window and waves at his little brother.
"No. Hell no." Soul threw Maka over his shoulder and walked away, Maka kicking and screaming.
"How freaking dare you." Maka hissed after he sat her down on his motorcycle. Soul ignored her and sat in front of her.
"I'd rather walk! Actually, I'd rather ride with Wes!" She banged on his back, in an attempt to get his attention.
"Maka! Shut up!" Soul demanded.
"Move, I'm walking." Maka tried getting up but Soul just grabbed her arms and wrapped them around his waist.
"This is the closest you're gonna get to a hug for a while." Maka stated.

Soul and maka Where stories live. Discover now