Tissues for issues

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Maka slammed the door behind her and ran to her room, crying uncontrollably.
"Oy, Maka!" Soul walked in and sat gently on her bed, beside a sobbing Maka. She couldn't even speak.
"Hey, uh-" Soul began.
"How could she?" She screeched, burying her face in Soul's chest.
"What'd she do?" Soul questioned, brushing his fingers through her hair, which was down. She'd gone to dinner with her mom for the first time in 2 years and clearly it didn't go too well. Maka looked up, he eyes all glossy.
"Let's have sex." She suddenly pounced on soul.
"No, Maka get off!" Soul shoved her away and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"What happened?" Soul demanded.
"She thinks that just because my dad can sleep with everyone doesn't mean my mom gets to! She's-" she looked down "she's getting married... to     
Dr. Stein." Her voice was so hoarse.
"Maka-" soul started.
"Everyone in my family thinks they can just run around, sleeping with people. We aren't like my parents, Soul...Right?" Maka looked up at him.
"God, no, Maka." Soul answered.
"I'm the only person you've ever loved or... ya know... made love to right?" Maka confirmed. Soul nodded
"Yes." He let go of her and laid down.
"I'm sorry." Maka cuddled beside him.
"It's gonna be ok. You know that." Soul kissed her forehead and sat up.
"You wanna be left alone?" Soul asked.
"No, Soul. I don't." Her hand that once rested on his chest began trailing down. "Maka, stop." Soul demanded. Maka looked up at him "you don't think I'm pretty." She concluded.
"That's crap and you know it, you're the most beautiful girl in the world. I'd just rather not take advantage of you." Soul explained as she wiped her tears away.
"Then let me take advantage of you." Maka begged, kissing his neck.
Soul grabbed her by the shoulders once again and sighed.
"Maka. I'm not gonna fuck you because of your mommy daddy issues." Soul laughed.
"Seriously? Screw you soul." Maka got up and ran out of the apartment, tears running down her cheeks.
"Crap." Soul slapped his forehead.

Soul and maka Where stories live. Discover now