An Elemental Justice chp10 The final chapter

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CHAPTER 10: The final chapter


It's been 2 weeks since that day in the clearing, since my sister, my twin, died. Caiden recovered, well, he will, he gets out today. I feel as if everything gets ripped away from me. My parents, my home, and then I find out that I have another half, a twin. Now she has been ripped away from me. But I have learnt one thing from this. You always die alone. After witnessing so many deaths, my sisters death, Kiara's death, I realized that no matter how surrounded by family you are, even if you are twins. You always die alone; no one else is following you into your own darkness. Just yourself. After realizing this I don't know what to feel. Happiness that I don't have to be scared of never having someone to die with. Or the fact that when people die, they are forever alone. Unless of course you believe in heaven, I normally don't. But in Kiara's case I do, because I don't want to imagine her alone forever. One day I will meet her again. My sister. I love you Kiara.

I shut my diary. I haven't written in it for along time. It feels good to let out my thoughts. My diary lifts up from my hands and floats to the desk. Air. The second Kiara died I felt new power. I was stronger. Kiara's powers now possessed me. The whole point to Killing one of us was to kill two of the powers, but instead they went into me. Kiara died for nothing. I feel a tear slip out of my eye and run down my cheek. I wipe it away and stand up. Hunter promised me that he would take me out to dinner tonight; he reckons I've been cooped up too long. I conjure a flame and study it for a few seconds. No matter is she is gone from sight, she is still alive inside me, and her powers are proof of that. I quickly get dressed and I'm just ready as Hunter comes through the door. "You ready sweet heart?" he asks. I smile. "I am". I follow him out the door. Those wolves are still out there, I will get them, and I will kill them. I am ready.


Well that's it. The end of the story. Should i do a sequel? I want to but i need to plan it out. What do you guys think?

I hope you enjoyed the story. =]

Taz1994 xxx

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