An elemental Justice chp2

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I wake to the sound of the officer's voice. "Miss, we're here". I force open my eyes and squint out the window. Wow, this house is beautiful. I open the door and climb out, the officers try to take my bags from me. "I can do it myself", I tell him. He looks at me funny and decides not to push it. We walk up to the door, the officer, being the closest, pushes the button labeled 'Press'. Jeez was there really need for it to be labeled? It's kinda obvious that if a button is there it's meant to be pushed. A shrill ringing echoes through the house. Great, I'm here for not even 5 seconds and I already hate the doorbell.

Immediately the door gets pulled open, I look to the floor not wanting to draw attention to myself. "Hello officers, thank you for delivering Kiana", I snort at the word deliver. Great now I'm a package. The snort though unfortunately brings the attention to me. "You must be Kiana, I hope you'll be very happy here", I look up to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She gasps. "Kiara? What... hang on, where's Kiana and why are you here, I thought you were with Chase". What is she talking about? "I'm Kiana, not Kiara, I have no idea what your taking about'. She looks stumped.

"Okay, then" she starts slowly. "Just go in through, ill show you where your body can shut down for the night, I'm just going to talk to the nice policeman here". She pushes me inside. "That was a weird way of describing sleep," I mumble.

"Is it"? I hear a voice coming from the side of the room. I spin to see a gorgeous guy leaning against the staircase. His dark hair shone and his face was a picture of perfection, I realized I was gawking. Quickly I shook myself and said, "I... umm... what did you say?" He looked at me with amusement. "I asked you why it is so weird to describe sleep that way".

"Oh, ah yeah don't worry about it, it's fine". No use trying to explain, I look idiotic enough as it is. I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Come on, mum will be a while, I'll show you to your room and introduce you to everyone".

"Everyone? There's more"? I squeaked.

He smirked, " yeah I have two more brothers and my girlfriend". My heart went up and down. Up when I heard brothers and down when I heard girlfriend.

"Girlfriend"? I questioned.

"Yeah" he said, "actually she looks exactly like you, it's kinda creepy, but you don't smell the same".

"Smell the same"? This guy was weird. He looked panicked for a second, like he didn't know what to say. "Uhhh... lets go see your room". He grabbed my bags and my arm and dragged me upstairs. "I can walk myself you know". I spat and ripped my arm out of his grip. I hate people touching me. "Right, sorry". I glared at him for a second, then motioned him to go on. We continued down a hall and stopped at a door. He turned the handle and pushed the door open. "I hope you will be happy here in our very happy normal house". Ok this guy is getting weirder and weirder. But I decide not to question, I'm not in the mood. My eyes scan the room taking in the dark midnight blue walls, queen sized bed and the walk in wardrobe. I smile at him. "It's perfect, thank you". He smiles and goes out of the room. "Wait, what's your name"? I call after him. He pops his head back in the door. "Chase, and you are"? I smile

"I'm Kiana". His face changes immediately to confused and disbelieving.

"I... see". And then he leaves. What the? What's wrong with my name? I sigh and start unpacking. At least I have a bigger room then before and a walk in wardrobe.

I quickly finish but I still feel really uncomfortable. This isn't my house, my parents are dead and I don't know what to do. I take a deep breath. I'll go downstairs and meet the rest of them. I open my door and two guys fall in. I jump back in shock. "What the hell"? They both look up and grin. "Woops, I guess leaning on the door was a bad idea Hunter".

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