Mistake in Identity

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Author's note:
Oh my goodness I haven't posted in like over a year or something. I am terribly sorry about all this. I had major family and friend issues starting with the death of one of my best friends ever. But I'm back and I'm sorry about not posting but here's the next chapter. Thank you and enjoy.

3rd POV:
What happened next was almost a blur to the gang. The girl in white robes grabbed onto Astrid's arm and flung her to the wall faster than any known human of this time. The girl's long blackish brown hair swirled behind her as she held Astrid back. Before the gang could do anything to help, the girl growled out "This matter is not what appears to be. You must calm yourself if you want answers, mate of Hiccup." 

Then the girl let go of Astrid's arm, flinching back in pain where a red stain now formed on the bandages around her shoulder. She cried out but then stopped and attempted to alleviate the pain blaring through her system.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" Astrid asked while attempting to calm down from her anger outburst.

"My name is Hazel I mean no harm but could someone please help........." Hazel fell over into Astrid and passed out due to the blood loss. The gang finally noticed the blood stained bandages around her shoulder from a scratch that must have reopened.

"Quick! Someone go get Gothi!" Fishlegs yelled out as he slowly picked up the small girl in his arms and took her to another room. Due to his medical experience he began basic work on the cuts.

A little while later Hazel began to regain consciousness to see Astrid sitting in a corner sharpening her axe. "So tell me, Hazel was it? Who exactly are you and where did you come from?"

"So many questions and so little time to explain but I'll do my best. I'm not here to harm your chief, I originally came to offer peace and gain assistance. My island has been attacked by my worst enemy, Darkfall. Wait. Where is Derick and Ward? Have you seen them? There should have been another ship-ah!" Hazel reached up and grabbed her head tightly. Pain shot through her head as images of her betrothed and cousin rushed through her mind.
"You have to help me please. You don't understand." Hazel cried out.

"What do you mean, what's going on?" Astrid asked as she tried to assist. She then called out to Gothi and the others who quickly rushed in to see what was happening. Then Hazel's next words pierced through their minds and brought nothing but pure shock.

"You don't understand. I need to save my cousin from Darkfall whose coming to destroy everything. I need to save Hiccup."

Love is Something You Fight For.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt