Waking up to Reality.

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"Hiccup.  Hiccup!"  Something shook my shoulder ferociously.  My eyes were weak.  My entire body felt like it was submerged under the ocean, thousands of tons just pushing me down.  Another shake and my eyes fluttered open to see I was back in my own room back on Berk.  

"Wha-wha-"  I tried to get the words out but everything became fuzzy again.

"Hiccup, you need to wake up"  A very unfamiliar voice stated.  I looked up to see a girl who was dressed in almost all white and silver armor, but that was all I saw when the drowned out voices of reality became sharp once again. 

"Welcome back into the true reality Hiccup.  Oh and by the way it's been about another week or so sense you last blacked out, oh and I have a surprise for you."  Just then a man came over to my cell holding a girl who looked to be my age with blond hair and Berk armor.  That's when I realized it was Astride.

"Let her go!  She has nothing to do with this."  I yelled.

"Oh but I am afraid she has everything to do with this besides you're just in a nightmare, chief Hiccup.  Everything that you remember about your past, which shouldn't be to much happened in a different reality, parallel to the one you are in now.  You are no prince but a chief and you own land that crosses the border to my enemies.  Give me the land and I will spare her life and return you back to the island of Berk.  Oh and if you want your memory back in full, I would suggest you let me take over Berk."

"Over my dead body."  Astride yelled through the cell bars. 

"Oh my dear. That can be arranged."  That's when the roar of a dragon came through the halls, but it wasn't just any dragon, it was Toothless.


Astrid's POV:

It didn't take me long to find Hiccup thanks to the help of Toothless. 

As soon as he knocked out the man who was talking to me, Toothless blew out the lock on the door I ran over to Hiccup only to find him unconscious. Toothless ran over and grabbed his friend motioning for me to get on.  Doing as he says, I climb onto his back holding Hiccup in arms Toothless navigated the tunnels.


The softness of the wind blew gently against my skin which now held more scars from recent battles. It's been almost two years now since I last saw Hiccup. Even then he was still unconscious. I'm just glad he's okay.

"Are we almost there Toothless?" If you're wondering why Stormfly isn't with me, well let me explain.   During an expedition two weeks ago she broke her leg and wing, obviously leaving her flightless.  

Toothless gave a small nod and I looked through the parting clouds to see Berk.   It didn't take long for Toothless to land by Hiccup's house.  "Thank you Tooth.  I need you to go eat and then start the fire, okay?"  He nodded and did as he was told.

Trying desperately I dragged Hiccup to the back door where I knew Valka would be.  After knocking harshly, Val didn't hesitate to rush and help me carry him in. 

"You found him."  She whispered to herself.  We put him on the couch and waited for Gothi to show. 


Almost five antagonizing hours later they let me see Hiccup.  "Is he going to be okay?"  Both Gothi and Val nodded as they walked to a different room to let me have my space with him.  

As soon as they left, I felt the tears come rushing to me.  Falling to me knees, I buried my head into his rugged bare and bandaged skin.  Two years away from him was way to long, and I am glad he's home...

((Man I haven't posted in years, and you all probably hate me for it.  But hey I'm back and that's what matters.   Love you little Nightshades!!!!!!))

Love is Something You Fight For.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz