Nothing but Trubble?

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Hiccup's POV:

Like the waves that surrounded the island, nausea came crashing down, hitting me with a striking force as I looked at the girl, who looked almost similar in age to me, was the same girl I dreamed about a few days ago. All of a sudden my vision grew blurry and the waves of my vision became black. The last thing I heard was Astrid screaming out my name, but even that became distant as I hit the ground.

Astrid's POV:

"Hiccup!!" I watched as his body fell limp. I ran to him as quickly as I could in attempt to cushion his fall. "That's it we need to get these two up to the club house. Tuff, Ruff. I need you two to go get Gothi and Gobber."


By the time that the twins came back the girl began to stir.  I feared the worst when it came to Hiccup, though. 

As the hours went by I decided that it was time to get some fresh air. The cool breeze began to calm my nerves and remind me of past events. When Hiccup was taken things in my life began to change. I had shut my friends out and kept myself hidden. It was difficult for the most part, but that's a story for another time.

Stretching slightly, I walked back to the medical area, only to see the girl sitting next to Hiccup, touching the side of his face ever so slightly. Of course jealousy got the better of me and I yanked her hand away from Hiccup's sleeping form. "And just what do you think you were doing. Who are you anyway?" I demanded. Due to the ruckus I was making, the rest of the gang rushed in thinking that I was in danger. 

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