Underswap!Papyrus x Genocide!Reader

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Requested by Sadiz0202
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"I don't care what people say the rush is worth price I pay hehehe!" You sang out giggling, walking to that little judgement hall just waiting for Papyrus. "Man, I can't wait to get rid of him..." You said quietly to myself. Then, the tiniest little voice in the back of your head saying 'But Don't You Love Him?' "W-what? No I don't.." You said to the voice. 'You're Lying To Yourself, You Are Madly In Love With Him..' "J-just shut up!! Okay!?" You yelled. You walked into the hall only to be meet with that smiley skeleton. 'He Doesn't Want To Hurt You, Just Give Up And He May Show You Mercy..' You only ignored the voice and took a deep breath. You got your knife ready, and attacked. He only dodged..

You attempted to hit him over and over and over and.....over...but he only dodged...

You had officially lost hope for killing him. Tears started to go down your cheeks. You dropped the knife and held your hands to your face. "Kid, if you cry, I will too." Papyrus said sweetly. "I know the choice must have been hard for you, but i'm glad you stopped, bring it in pal." He said with open arms. You smiled and laughed. You ran and hugged with so much happiness and hope in yourself. You suddenly felt a bone pierce through the heart. You were coughing up a bit of blood. You knew Papyrus was the one who hurt you yet you still felt so comfortable in his arms. "I'm sorry (N/n nick/name) I really do love ya.." Papyrus whispered softly to you. Then you closed your eyes and felt your soul be ripped away from this world. "It's funny, you can love someone so much then they can be taken away so quickly." Papyrus then broke down in tears, holding your limp body close, running his bony fingers through your hair.

He lost everything, everyone and worse..you. the worst thing of all....he's the one that killed you...


Undertale X Reader One Shots~(FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora