A Day In The Life Of Y/n!~

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(This is basically just a crackfic because I'm bored.)

I was driving at top speed in my new car that Tori gave to me ever so kindly. Undyne was loving it. "THE WIND US HOWLING!!!" She yelled. "It sure is Undyne.." I said calmly. "HUMAN! DO YOU THINK YOU COULD SLOW DOWN!?!?!" Papyrus yelled. "I don't know, can you change from you ''battle body'' for once?" I asked. He went quiet. Meanwhile, Flowey was complaining about the tiny hula dancer next to him. "Grrr AHHH!! Y/n, this tiny thing is making me feel uncomfortable!.." Flowey tried to move but only ended up on the floor getting dirt everywhere(he was in a pot)"Flowey, you got dirt and mud all in my new car!" "I don't care!" "Well I do!" "NYEEEEEHH!!!!"

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