Bed time

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You, Papyrus, and Sans sat at the dining table about to eat tacos. Sans dug right into them, but you noticed Papyrus was pretending to eat the tacos, swiftly throwing them into a little trashcan under the table. "HUMAN! TRY ONE OF MY AMAZING TACOS! THEY'LL BE THE BEST THINGS YOU'VE EVER EATEN!" Sans said with a mouthful of tacos. You picked one up and examined it closely before taking a bite out of it. The taste was....INDESCRIBABLE! You cringed and shuddered as you chewed the taco, trying not to be rude and spit it out in front of Sans. Papyrus stared at you from across the table with a look of sympathy mixed in with trying to hold back laughter. "SO HOW IS IT HUMAN?! DO YOU LIKE 'EM?!" Sans asked with literal stars in his eyes, his sixth taco in his hand. Papyrus gave you a look as if to say 'Say yes or else...'. You quickly swallowed the chunk of taco in your mouth and nodded, unable to produce audible words from how bad the food was. You quickly stood up and fake yawned, creating the illusion you were tired. Sans and Papyrus looked up at you, Sans already eating his ninth taco. Man, Sans must not be able to taste his food right. "I'm actually really I think I'm gonna hit the hay for tonight" You said in the drowsiest voice you could rally up. Sans wiped his face with his little blue scarf and stood up on his chair. "I TOO, THE GREAT SANS, WILL BE TAKING MY LEAVE FOR THE NIGHT! IF YOU NEED ME, I'LL BE UP IN MY ROOM!" Sans said before dashing upstairs. Papyrus sighed and stood up, scooping up the dirty dishes sitting on the table and dunking them into the sink. You sat on the couch and put a hand up to your lips remembering the slimy sticky kiss you and Papyrus had shared about twenty minutes prior. Did he love you or was he just making you take your medicine?! The question kept pulsating in your brain. You couldn't think of anything else, but Papyrus. You lied down on the couch and rested your head on the armrest and pressed your back into the couch. You picked up the blue blanket Papyrus gave you earlier off the floor and covered it over your whole body. You kept your eyes closed for a few minutes, the questions still buzzing around in your head. Does he like me? Why'd he take in a hobo he just met today in his care? Did the kiss mean anything? Most importantly, you thought, I falling for him? You opened your eyes to reveal Papyrus looking down at you, his left eye glowing ferociously. Startled, your body shot up smacking your forehead against his. You clutched your forehead and sucked in air through clenched teeth while Papyrus kneeled down a bit rubbing his forehead and mumbling curse words under his breath. "Were you watching me sleep?!" You asked Papyrus who had already recovered from the mild injury and was looming over you once again. Papyrus smirked and said "Nah I was gonna check your fever, but" he said as he inched closer to you "I didn't know which hole to put the thermometer in..." he whispered in your ear. You blushed profusely as Papyrus stared at you before chuckling uncontrollably at how embarrassed you were. "Seriously though" Papyrus said raising his hand to reveal he was holding a thermometer. "Open up, we gotta check" You sat up cross legged on the couch as Papyrus sat on the couch next to you. Papyrus leaned in, his face close to yours, and traced the tip of the thermometer against your lips before plunging the thermometer forcefully into your closed mouth and turning it on. Papyrus then pressed his chilly hand up to your forehead. The thermometer beeped and Papyrus checked it. "Your temperature's 98.8, so you'll live." Papyrus said standing up. "I'm gonna go catch some Z's, see ya tomorrow" he said before going upstairs. Now you were alone in the living room. Left to your thoughts. You closed your eyes and eventually drifted asleep.
-------DREAM TIME------------------------------
Papyrus stood in front of you, ready to hug you. You went up to him and touched him. He immediately turned into a giraffe with wings and flew away.
------DREAM END--------------------------------
You woke up mostly confused. Giraffes? Why giraffes? Probably 'cause he's so flippin' tall! you thought to yourself. You sat up on the couch and peeled the blue blanket off of you. You stood up feeling refreshed and weary. You walked over to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards until you found the cupboard with the cups in it. You grabbed a glass cup and closed the cupboard. You steadily position the cup under the kitchen sink faucet and turn it on. You take a sip from the now full cup and start heading for the stairs. You were gonna walk into the bathroom to start showering, but instead you went past the bathroom towards the bedrooms. You wanted to check on Sans and Papyrus and make sure they were okay. You opened a blue door with the name 'Sans' in big flashy letters on it. When you opened the door, you saw Sans passed out on the floor in light blue footy pajamas covered in white clouds. You quietly laughed to yourself as to not wake Sans up and slowly tiptoed towards Sans. You picked him up and gently placed him back in his bed, putting his blanket back on him in the process. Sans looked so adorable as he slept! You leaned in and kissed Sans on the forehead before quietly slipping out of his room and closing the door. Next you went to the room across from Sans' room. This room's door was orange and had the words 'No trespassing' carved into the wood on the door. You jiggled the doorknob a bit, but it was locked. As you were about to give up, the door suddenly opened by itself allowing you entrance. You hesitated a bit before slowly walking into Papyrus' bedroom. You made your way to his bed and stared at him. He looked so peaceful like this. You reached a hand out to him to hold his cheekbone, but in a flash Papyrus had tightly gripped your wrist and pulled you into bed with him. Your face was buried in his chest as he snuggled closer to you. He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. He was so warm. You couldn't tell if he was asleep or not from his lack of eyelids. You didn't know what to do! You felt his heartbeat pulsing through your body. You felt him breathing down your neck. He kept hugging you tighter and tighter, as if you were a human teddy bear. Eventually you just gave up any hope of escaping and lied there with him, not caring anymore. You dozed off to sleep instantly, but not before hearing him mumble in his sleep "Don't leave me, (y/n)...".
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took FOREVER! I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm working on two other stories right now. You know Dancetale and the Undertale AU picture book? Those two! So while you wait for the next chapter, why not make a pit stop by my other Undertale fanfics? Thanks-a-bundle!

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